
Rdentify uses machine learning to identify signs of vulnerable customers

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From gaming to law, and financial services to utilities, it is imperative that businesses do everything they can to ensure consumers are protected from financial and contractual harm, whilst maintaining commercial success and happy customers.

Rdentify brings together state-of-the-art machine learning, and linguistics technology to provide customer protection by identifying signs of vulnerable customers during customer interactions and flagging them to Customer Support agents in real time within Zendesk.

Rdentify also analyses customer sentiment, our Customer Frustration score, together with our conversation tagging system assists businesses to properly understand the source of customer frustration and allows for more informed QA of Customer Support Agents.

Breakdown customer conversations by types and set your own tags such as litigation threat, debt, financial harm, closure requests, deposit issues etc and view all this information within your existing Zendesk integration.

Customers also gain access to the Rdentify User interface which allows for real time monitoring of all Live Chat, bot, or email conversations on one screen, so Customer Support management and Compliance teams can stay on top of the risk.

All customer conversations and scores are viewable within the customer dashboard as are all Customer Agent conversations and scores.


Works with
Rdentify Limited
Price (USD)
Free to install
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