Setting up Guided mode

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  • Miles Dunn

    How can I give other roles permissions to see the skipped tickets on the "Play Only" tab of the user's profile? Right now only admins can see this tab but I'd like managers to be able to see it too.

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi MIles, at present only Admins can see skipped tickets from other users (agents can only see their own skipped tickets). Some other users have requested the ability to grant permission for seeing skipped tickets to non-Admins as well in the comments thread of this product feedback post, so I'd recommend that you upvote the post and add your use case to the comments as well:Reporting - Skipped tickets within the "play-mode"
  • Stacey

    I have seen agents utilize the search function and filter by "new" status tickets to choose which tickets to answer. Is there any way to limit the search function to prevent this type of behavior?

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Stacey –

    I don't think there's a way you can limit an agent's ability to search like that. That's certainly a clever way to cherry-pick.

    For what it's worth, I wrote a blog post about cherry-picking, some different reasons behind it, and ways to address each motivating factor from a management perspective:The four C’s of cherry-picking
  • MAC

    Would it be possible to add a feature or setting within each view so that we can choose which views the guided mode feature will appear on?

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Mac,

    I'd recommend creating a feature post in ourFeedback - Ticketing System (Support)这就是我们的产品经理activel话题y monitor user feedback. You can use the following template when creating your feedback post as well:Product Feedback Post Template

    Thanks for taking the time to share this with us!
  • Dan C

    For Skipped reason box, is there functionality to create and display a list of reasons that we can surface for Agents (not just an open text box) - this would allow us to create a more consistent process, easier to look for trends, and provide the Agent with a more efficient way to note a reason and move on to the next ticket.

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Dan, there isn't, but that's an interesting idea – for visibility to our product team, would you mind posting your use case to ourFeedback - Ticketing System (Support)topic, using thistemplate?
  • Teresa

    Just wanted to throw this link in here to the feature request for picking which views you'd like in guided mode, hoping to make it easier for others to find and upvote if they stumble upon this article.

  • Dave Dyson
    Thanks for sharing the link, Nicole!
  • Lala

    Hello. Is there a way to customize the Play feature to start with the oldest tickets first? When I test it out on my end, it's not starting with the oldest open tickets in the queue. Thank you!

  • Teresa

    LalaI was having the same issue. What solved it for me was editing the view sort order from the Admin Center. Hope it helps.

  • Dave Dyson
    thanks for sharing your solution, Nicole - yep, that sounds like the way to do it!
  • Lala

    Thank you so much, Nicole. That was very helpful.

  • Camilo Gomez

    This feature would be better if tickets that have already been assigned to an agent would be excluded from the logic when the next agent hits next, and not only when an agent is actively looking to a ticket.

  • Annelies Van der Sanden

    Hi Camilo, we solved this by changing the view to unassigned tickets and tickets assigned to the active user only

  • Kyle Lessard

    Is there a character limit in the text box field when skipping tickets?

  • Gabriel Manlapig
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Kyle,

    The character limit looks to be 65k characters in the text box field when skipping tickets. Tried this on my end, and if you exceed 65k characters, the ticket will not appear on the review skipped tickets under team member's user profile.

    I hope this answer your question. Thank you!

  • Scott C.

    Hey ZD team,

    有什么way to tell when an agent clears a view fully? Is there a trigger or anything that can tell us when a view is completed of all tickets?

    Any insight is appreciated. Thanks!

  • Nara
    Hi Scott, thanks for the question. At this time, there is no way to integrate a Business Rule like a Trigger into a View's completion. Functionally, a View works in a similar way to a search, where it shows tickets that match a set of criteria, but it itself does not store any trackable values that can be actioned on in the same way a ticket can be. In other words, it is currently not possible via native functionality to report/indicate when a View is cleared aside from viewing it directly.
  • Cory Truesdell

    Question - If an agent is flying thru tickets in guided mode and a customer replies to a ticket they've previously been assigned to, will that ticket jump to the front of the line for that assigned agent?

  • Jim
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Cory!

    In the event that the customer (also known as end-user) responds to a ticket that's assigned to an agent, then ideally, the ticket would show up in thedefault views, namely "Your unsolved tickets", "All unsolved tickets", and "Recently updated tickets" (shown in the sample below).

    Furthermore, those recently updated tickets would ideally show up on top of those mentioned ticket views, given that they are formatted with the Column "Updated" and it's set to "Descending" order, which is arranged from the latest or most recent one to the oldest (explained thisarticleand shown in the sample below).


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