Analyzing your Zendesk Sell sales pipeline

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  • Jay Clementson


    Thank you for adding Sell data to Explore. One thing I noticed and couldn't figure out why the Explore data had 169 more orders sold than the data in Sell under the reporting section. And then when I create a smart list for all orders in the same time period I am getting less than the data reporting in Sell.

    Where is Explore pulling the data from?

  • Jakub Tutaj
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hello Jay,

    前女友plore is pulling data from the same source as Sell, however the differences might be caused by few things, some of which might be a subject to your use case: discrepancies in the exact filtering applied, timeframe applied, depending on the segmentation used, if you've built a custom query in Explore, perhaps some orders were counted twice, and some more.

    It'll be best if you could submit a ticket using:, so we can troubleshoot further. Please include as many details as possible: timeframes used, filters used, screenshots. Team should be able to investigate it for you.

  • Jay Clementson

    Hello Jakub,

    Thank you for your update. I created a ticket with Support.

  • Jakub Tutaj
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thanks Jay! I've responded, looks like all is good, but please let me know if not. Once you confirm, I can share with broader audience some of the things worth looking at when numbers look incorrect at first glance.

  • Agent 3


    Is it possible to compile data from Zendesk Sell and Zendesk Support, in one place in Explore?

    This in order to build reports across these products, in order to see ex. customer revenue against resources used/time spent per org. etc.

  • Jakub Tutaj
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi Lise,

    you can put queries from multiple datasets (e.g. Zendesk Sell and Zendesk Support) on one custom dashboard. It should do the job if you want to look at two widgets next to each other, from the high level perspective at ex. customer revenue in Q3 vs time spent on tickets in Q3.

    However, if you're looking for a tighter connection, e.g. time spent on tickets with the customers you've won deals with, currently there's no way to build a cross-dataset query that would join information from the two datasets (Sell and Support) by some parameter (e.g. customer email address).

  • Agent 3

    Hi Jakub,

    Ok, thank you for your quick reply!


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