Using result metric calculations

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    I've currently got a table that has two metrics on it and a result metric calculation that computes an SLA for our 30 second or less call answer times. I've been asked to create a sparkline or line chart that looks at the SLA value over time, but every time I try to create a chart it wants to use the metrics for the chart instead of the result metric calculation. Is there any way to hide those other metrics from a chart and only display the result metric calculation?

  • Chris Bulin
    Community Moderator

    Hipstraussthanks for asking such a good question. You can select the checkbox at the bottom of the calculation screen to remove the original metrics from the display. It looks like this:

    That should then leave only the calculation available for visualization. I hope that helps!


    @...- Ah hah! That's brilliant. You're a life saver. Thanks.

  • Max Semenov

    I am trying to set up a start condition for calculating the response time. For example, I need to count the time since the appearance of a certain tag in the ticket and not since the moment of its creation. What is the best formula to use?

  • Joe Gran

    Is it possible to make the Result Metric Calculation display on the secondary axis of a line chart?

    Also, can we add Result Metric Calculations to the datatip available fields?

  • Thibaut


    I created for you tickets so I can discuss with both of you what you need to achieve more in detail
    You should have receive a notification about it.

  • 弗拉基米尔•Petrushenka

    Hi there,

    I have a metric A and a metric B in my query in absolute numbers monthly and when I add a ratio of them in % using the result metric calculation it's added to the query against the existing axis Y. Because the axis Y is in absolute numbers the ratio metric in % can barely be seen.

    Is it possible to add a second axis using the result metric calc function? I know I can create and add a third custom metric with ratio, but wondering if it's possible to do via result metric calculation. Below is the screenshot how it looks


  • Eric Gao
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Vladimir,

    Unfortuantely it's not possible to use a dual axis with Result Metric Calculations. You'll need to create a separate custom metric in order to apply a dual axis.

    Warm Regards,

    Eric G. Gao | Technical Support Architect | Zendesk

  • Matt Farrington-Smith

    I think I know the answer to this already, but I'm looking to create a dashboard that shows data quarter by quarter.

    At the moment all I can show is data from quarters that are already complete. There doesn't appear to be a way to show data dynamically to-date. For instance, can I compare 20 days into Q3 with 20 days into Q2?

    I don't want to show the total amount for Q2 and the amount so far for Q3 as you can't make a useful comparison.

    Hope that makes sense?

  • Elaine
    Zendesk Customer Care


    With the use case that you presented, I think theDate range calculated metricswould help you out on this. You can check the articleAdding time and date calculated metricsregarding this one.

    You can use data for a quarter of a year under theAdvanced tabandAdd a repeat patternwithin the calculated metric to compare the current quarter to another quarter of the same year or a different year.

    For more information about adding a repeat pattern, you can check the articleEditing dates and date ranges. Hope this helps! :)

  • Matt Farrington-Smith

    Thanks for the reply@...!

    I didn't have much luck with the repeat pattern - it seemed to just lump the previous periods' data into the number shown.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think by using the two metrics for different quarters I've achieved the result I was looking for?

  • Tom Mirkin

    Hi Guys,

    I'm trying to create a query that will measure my team's AVG resolution time for tickets per ticket priority, and struggling with excluding the extreme results (so it will not affect our AVG dramatically).

    I created the following metric to filter out the 'pending's from the calc:

    Resolution time without pending (Biz - days)
    如果不是INCLUDES_ANY (followup_tick(票标签)。et_creation", "closed_by_merge", "closed_by_trigger_blocked_email_channel"))
    THEN(VALUE(Full resolution time - Business hours (hrs))-VALUE(Agent wait time - Business hours (hrs)))/24

    Finally I got the AVG resolution time per priority, but I found it is not reflecting the reality as few extreme cases are influencing the AVG dramatically.

    Therefore, I tried to use the "Results manipulation" -> "Results metric calculation" to filter out values that are too far from the STD_DEV by creating the following metric:
    ST_Dev AVG Resulution time
    如果不是INCLUDES_ANY (followup_tick(票标签)。et_creation", "closed_by_merge"))
    AND VALUE(Full resolution time (min)) < 3* STD_DEV(Full resolution time (min))
    (VALUE(Full resolution time - Business hours (hrs))-VALUE(Agent wait time - Business hours (hrs)))/24

    Unfortunately, the Results manipulation metric is not working as expected, and I couldn't find what is wrong, or what is the best way to exclude the tickets with the extreme AVG resolution time from the general AVG.

    Please assist me in this one, as it is a crucial report for measuring the team performance.

    Best Regards,

  • Marco
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for reaching out in our community as well by the way.

    A ticket was also created from this reply, and as I have also already contacted our Explore team, please refer to my reply on your ticket with me.

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Jack,

    Have you already tried to refresh your browser and recreate the Result Metric Calculation? Normally this will do the trick if changes are not being saved in Explore.

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