How can I track satisfaction ratings with comments?

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  • Kate Ambash

    Will creating a view allow me to see the comments?

  • Sabra
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hey@...! You can add two columns to a View that are related to satisfaction:SatisfactionandSatisfaction reason。TheSatisfactioncolumn is going to show the rating (good or bad) and theSatisfaction reasoncolumn is going to show the reason selected by the user. There is not currently a column for seeing theSatisfaction commentleft by the user.

  • Zoran Dimitrievski

    Zendesk automatically archives tickets 120 days after they are marked Closed. Archived tickets are still accessible and actionable but archived tickets are excluded from views.

    So your CSAT's will start disappearing from the View after the 120.

    IS there a workaround regarding this

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Jack, you can also use Explore to display satisfaction comments, and they won't disappear when tickets get archived:Explore recipe: Display all customer satisfaction comments
  • Dave Dyson

    Zoran DimitrievskiI just wanted to let you know we've updated the above article. Thanks for your question!

  • Josh

    What happened to the easy built in report that was in the reporting area? Who's idea was it to remove this? It's extremely hard to gauge satisfaction now.

  • Sean Flaherty

    It's really terrible that you can't export comments unless you have Pro or above on Explore. Kinda screws the poors.

  • Trinity Opoka

    How can I find more information on benchmarking bad to good satisfaction ratings? We want to concentrate to turning bad satisfaction ratings around, but I need a benchmark.

  • Jason Schaeffer
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Trinity,

    The best resource we have for this is linked for you below. It will discuss responding to Bad Satisfaction and how to overall improve your score.



  • Trinity Opoka

    Thanks@...。有专门的信息标准吗g how many bad scores we should strive to change to good?

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Trinity,

    There isn't really any kind of standard for how many Bad ratings you should strive to change to Good. It's not a bad practice to respond to Bad ratings to reflect and validate when that's appropriate, or if you have concrete steps you can take to improve the immediate situation. And looking for patterns in Bad ratings is a good way to find and remove pain points in your products or services. But when someone's had a bad experience, it's ultimately going to be up to them if any remediation steps taken by you are enough to change their opinion of the interaction they had from "bad" to "good". Ultimately, my advice would be to use focus effort on preventing future Bad ratings where you can.
  • Trinity Opoka

    Thank you, Dave.

  • Dave Dyson
    Glad I could help, Trinity!
  • Ryan Thrash

    I would really, really love to see the comments that users leave in views without having to dig into Explore or the tickets themselves.

  • Julia Bellotti

    Also echoing Josh, Sean, and Ryan's comments. It would be nice to not have gotten rid of this functionality and made it a paid-only feature with the switch from Reporting to Explore. It's quite unfortunate for those of us with limited budgets that would like to see what customers wrote for their satisfaction without opening every single ticket to see if it has a comment.


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