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  • Rafael Santos
    User Group Leader

    Best announcement of the day

  • Tobias Hermanns


    Will this be can help like knowledge to search for solution in KB based on summary?

    Can chat gpt come for answer bot widget combination to search on helpcenter?


  • Andrew V.

    Very cool!

    Can access to the features be limited by agents role levels?

    Also, any plans for the summaries to be exportable or otherwise incorporated in Explore? For example, when digging into a major ticket driver in Explore, could I add something like "AI Summary" alongside the "Ticket ID, Ticket Subject, Assignee" fields?

    The latter would be a huge time saver in pulling insights from tickets. (Even better, in future I'd love to see the ability to select a group of tickets and ask the AI to summarize common themes, but I'll wait my turn for that one...)

  • John

    I am just wondering weather or not this feature has a potential risk to expose the internal ticket conversation to the public. As you know, the ticket has very sensitive private information. If ChatGPT leanred them via the main cloud-based DB, then we indirectly share the private information with them.

    I hope I am not correct but I would like to hear more detailed information about AI summary feature.

  • Slava Skorbezh

    Who's already had a chance to try these features? We've applied, but there's been no response.

    Tobias HermannsI totally agree that it's a great use case for chat gpt. I asked during Minich Zendesk event if it's on the Road Map and the answer was something like "Nice idea we'll consider it".

  • Jakub Konik
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thank you againRafael Santos!

    Tobias Hermannsis this something that could be helpful?https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408843471642-Enabling-Article-Recommendations-in-Web-Widget-Classic-if not, can you tell me what you're trying to achieve?

    Andrew V.thank you! It's not possible to limit access - everyone has access once it's enabled by an admin in Settings. We are not planning on adding this to Explore but I understand the use case - noted!

    Johnyou can find more details about the topic here:https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/5729714731290#h_01H128YHC41CMTD1GKDAW2Y2N4

    Slava Skorbezhcurrently around 12 customers have access, but this will change in the next week - we plan to enable 50 more accounts, and then everyone who applied. I'll make sure everyone who interacted in this thread will be included in the very next batch.

  • Rafael Santos
    User Group Leader

    We've been testing for the past 2 weeks and the summarization feature is the one we've got the most value from, as getting an overview of very long and complex ticket threads becomes very helpful and is an amazing time saver.

    The text enhancing, however, takes too long to return results, which isn't as helpful, as we've observed that it usually takes more than 1 try to get it right, which may end up adding more than 1 minute to that individual ticket interaction's handling time.

  • Tobias Hermanns

    Hi Jakub,

    I don´t think so this recommandation are same not working recommendation we have on Answer Bot send out via E-Mail before. We really looking into Chat GPT review our Helpcenter in future.

  • Jaanika O

    Is it possible to disable theIntelligencefor specific organizations?

    Once generative AI is enabled, will it check through all incoming emails or only when you use one of theEnhance writingoptions orGenerate summary?

  • Slava Skorbezh

    Why do you limit supported languages? ChatGPT has many languages out of the box, including Ukrainian.

  • Sam Jividen

    我的团队很高兴加入EAP !一点的费用dback: I wish internal notes were used in the summary feature (as long as that information is NOT stored on the ChatGPT servers).

    It would greatly increase the feature's usefulness, especially for technical teams.

  • Sean Morrissey

    After getting the invite, the generative ai option is in the admin center. However there is no save button, so I cannot activate it.

    ***resolved the issue is the save button is not visible when accessing on a mobile phone. It was there on a desktop computer***

  • Tobias Hermanns

    Multilanguage Support is needed here! :)

  • Michael Jerone Fernandez

    Can this be setup in Sandbox? I tried but the options are not available.

  • Sean Morrissey

    I am noticing when I use the summarization option on a ticket one of my employees in Mexico replied to, the summarization is in Spanish. The entire ticket thread is in English and the agent has English as default language, so I do not know why the summarization is in Spanish.

  • Mandy Trombley

    Just starting to test out these features today and my team called out that they wish there was a way to get their original text back after using the Enhance Writing feature. It doesn't always generate content that they like, but they cannot go back to their "pre-enhanced" text and must either tweak the enhanced text or start over.

  • Jiri Fait

    Hi, clicking onSummarizebutton in the banner that appears at the top of the ticket does not do anything. The only way how to summarize a conversation is the second option - open Intelligence section in the context panel and click Generate summary.

    What exactly is supposed to happen when clicking onSummarizebutton in the banner? Where should the summary be displayed? If in the Intelligent section then there is nothing.

  • Gary Shand

    It would be great when using the Enhance features that it didn't strip out the formatting applied by the agent. Our team commonly provides links to our KB to the customer, so when enhancing the text to make it more friendly or formal it is stripping out these links and making the feature less useful.

    I'd also second Mandy's suggestion that it would be useful to have an undo button for this, though using CMND + Z (on Mac) is a workaround currently.

  • Jakub Konik
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thanks everyone for sharing your feedback and questions.

    Jaanika Oit's not possible to limit the access. Once it's enabled it only acts on tickets that agents want to summarize.

    Sam Jividennoted, we'll consider including internal notes!

    Michael Jerone Fernandezyes, it can. Please fill in the EAP form with your sandbox subdomain.

    Sean Morrisseywe've recently improved language support, are you still experiencing issues?

    Mandy Trombleynoted! For now agents can press CTRL + Z (or CMD + Z on Macs) to return to the original text.

    Jiri Faitthat button is being fixed. It should open the intelligence panel with the summary.

  • Sean Morrissey

    I have not seen the issue lately, thank you.

  • Anton Maslov

    Jakub Konikis that possible somehow to find all replies where agents used ChatGPT feature?

  • iViking

    I've fed this back but thought it would be useful to shareJakub Konik

    1. Having an option for the summary to include/exclude 3rd party or internal comments would be useful - at the moment both of these areas seem to be ignored in the ticket summary
    2. We’ve evidence of the summary not recognising between an agent response outgoing and a customer.
    3. The summary can miss a vital last email to a customer where we are waiting for an answer.
  • iViking

    Jakub Konik

    more evidence today of a ticket 'summary' being nothing of the sort. Barely a summary of the initial question that then tails off mid sentence.

  • damien.messe

    Hello Jakub,

    We have been testing the "Summarize" feature and I must admit that when working well it's powerful but it's quite buggy for now.
    这真是一个Beta版本,因为它是现在not sure it's really time saving for my agents due to the numerous bug detailed below.

    Few bugs we have already noticed after just a couple of days :

    1) The feature is switching to English sometimes while the tickets are in French
    2) When switching from one ticket to another, the feature is not refreshed. It requires extra click from an agent = time consuming
    3) It happens a lot that the feature rephrase the answer of an agent as a summary and not a summary of the user problems
    4) Sometimes the summary is way too long and full of unuseful information so it's quicker to read the tickets.

    You still have some work to improve it and make it really efficient and time saving for the agents.


  • Slava Skorbezh

    1) The feature is switching to English sometimes while the tickets are in French

    + (only Ukrainian in our case)

    4) Sometimes the summary is way too long and full of unuseful information so it's quicker to read the tickets.


  • Lance Conzett

    Really liking the summarize feature, especially for summarizing chats, and have a couple of points of feedback:

    1. Right now, for Messaging tickets, the summarizer includes comments/conversations with the bot, which isn't super useful for us.

    2. I would love to see summarizing built into business rules. The business case is that we're using a trigger to push certain ticket types into a Slack channel with the initial comment, but that doesn't work for chats and doesn't give the full context of the case. It'd be great if we could send the AI summary as part of the Slack notification, so that PMs and other interested parties can see.

  • Óskar Ómarsson

    In regards to limit this to subset of agents, I understand that isn't possible right now, I would love to have my experienced agents try this out with out giving this to all agents, are there any plans to allow this to be restricted/limited to subset of agents?

  • Ash


    When the Summary is generated it should say its the requester rather than "customer".

    Example of what is generated now:

    Thecustomeris reporting that they have stopped receiving notifications.

    What it should say:

    Therequesteris reporting that they have stopped receiving notifications.

    Also having the ability to block certain generated AI words in tone shift would be beneficial.

    For example tone shift often generates "Best Regards" where as our communications usually say "Kind Regards" so we would block list "Best Regards".

  • Pratik

    Can i know where to apply to try out this feature?Jakub Konik

  • Jiri Fait

    Hi, theSummarizebutton in the banner that appears at the top of the ticket still does not work.

    It would be very nice if there was a way how to get rid of this panel as it only occupies space...


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