Explore - Audit Log with list of changes


  • Luma Lopes


    We have the same problem here. We restricted the editor permission but there's always the risk of accidental edit, and we never know who did it.

  • 蘇詩婷

    we need edit log of explore, too.

  • CJ Johnson

    There's a super fun bug where if an agent is assumed into your account, your custom formulas can start randomly deleting themselves. I thought I was going crazy for ages, but no, it was a bug. A history log would have made it a lot easier to figure out what was going on.

  • Dan Ross
    Community Moderator

    Seeing directly on the metric itself (outside of the logging that needs to happen), we really need to see the name and time that it was created, updated and a count for # queries that rely on this metric.

    Currently looking at a cleanup of metrics that managers have made that are not accurate but cannot tell if they're actively in use, nor can I follow up with remedial training for the people that made the flawed metrics to start with.

  • Arianna Questioni

    Hi, is this one going be to be picked up soon for Explore roadmap? Our Head of CS needs to share the main Operations dashboard with the CS leaders (who in turn need to be able to create queries and dashboards themselves, so I can't adjust permissions), however the main dashboard keeps changing, and we're in the dark as to who is changing what.

    We either need better granularity on permissions, on clear audit logs for Explore.

  • BetterMe LTD

    Still no news about it?

  • CJ Johnson

    This is absolutely killing me, I really need to know WHO is changing reports and not updating the titles.

  • Krista Zaloudek

    We'd really appreciate the ability to see an audit log with the changes as well. If the functionality could be something similar to the versioning of triggers in Support, this would be amazing! (So we could any changes could be easily viewed!)

    Additionally, if the unpublished changes could also be versioned/shown, this would be great. If there is an error, we wouldn't want to publish it!

  • CJ Johnson

    Suggestion for others who are losing hours and hours of time due to this -- you can clone a dashboard, and select "also clone reports, and also clone the dataset". Then, go to the settings page and remove everyone but yourself from edit access from that dataset. Now nobody but you can change it or the reports on it. They can clone it and mess with the clone, but they won't be able to do anything to the actual dashboard.

    Edit: For the record I don't think this is a workaround or replacement, it's merely a way to have a modicum of control and back-ups for your most crucial reporting.

  • Asta P.

    你好,我同意每个人,这是一个hassle to wrap your head when some changes were done in the reports or dashboards without my knowledge and I am sitting here and thinking "What is going on?"
    A look at logs and seeing the history of changes is something that would help us all, please consider this update to reporting. Thank you!


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