Is it possible to pull the source email address via api?


  • Graeme Carmichael
    Community Moderator


    You can certainly access all a user's email addresses using the API.

    See the documentation here underuser identities. The primary address is normally the address that Zendesk delivers to.

    To find the requester's email address that they initially sent the request from, you may find that in the ticketVIA object. But I must confess that is not something I have tried to do.

    It will be a little tricky using a target as first you would have to find therequestvia the API, find the VIA object there and then find the email address from the VIA object. Unfortunately, I cannot do that for you, but maybe a starter for you.

  • Eric Nelson
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy
    Hey there,

    Thanks for the feedback, I agree this is certainly not ideal. I'm circling back with product to find out if we have this listed for fixing on the roadmap. Stay tuned!
  • Tyler Comfort

    Graeme CarmichaelThanks! Unfortunately it appears the VIA api still shows the primary email, not the one used to send. I just tested it out.

  • Graeme Carmichael
    Community Moderator



  • María Valeria Molina

    I have the same problem.
    It's extremely important for my project, to get that information.
    Unfortunately, this lack will lead to limitations and bad experiences with my users.
    It is very important for me to solve this problem.

  • Wilhelm Lenz

    Hello, I would like to use a self-developed support app to query the source email address of the requester from within a ticket. Could this problem be solved already? I can access the identities of the end user and get a sub email address. But I need the source to compare this with the primary email address. I want to send emails to the source email address when it does not match the primary email address of the end user.

    Can someone please help me with this? Even if it just means it doesn't work.

  • Mike dela Rosa
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Wilhelm!

    I did check our list of APIs for "Support" here:Zendesk Tickets API. Currently the only email address that would be available is the primary address of the user who sent the email.

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