Zoom Meetings by Faye

提供更多的个性化服务the Zoom for Zendesk integrations

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Zoom Apps

With the Zoom Meetings by Faye Integration, resolve customer inquiries faster, simplify workflows and deliver more personalized service.

  • Schedule and launch a Zoom meeting from within Zendesk
  • Save and access meeting recordings, notes and key details in Zendesk


Offer more personalized face-to-face service

Certain support inquiries may require a more personal experience such as helping the customer with a physical set-up, recommending a product or taking a look at their environment. In such cases an agent can easily schedule a Zoom Meeting right from within Zendesk.

  • In agent workspace schedule an upcoming zoom meeting and send it to the customer via a calendar invite.

Schedule Meeting

Simplify agent workflows

Having to login to multiple systems is cumbersome and a waste of time for agents. With this integration, instantly launch a new or schedule Zoom meeting right from within Zendesk.

  • Launch a new or scheduled Zoom meeting from within Agent workspace without having to separately login to Zoom

Launch Meetings

Eliminate data silos

It’s frustrating for agents to not have key context from previous customer interactions as it impacts their ability to help resolve an inquiry. With this integration access all relevant context anytime within Zendesk.

  • The Zoom Meeting details, recording, transcript, chat, duration and any notes after a call are directly saved within Zendesk as an internal note. Easily access them anytime for future context or quality assurance.

Eliminate SilosRoadmap

This integration is commissioned and funded by Zendesk and provided by Faye

  • Zendesk has worked with customers to gather feedback and requirements, and played an active role in the design of the product.

  • Faye built, maintains, and supports this integration and your use is governed by the agreement provided by Faye.

  • Please contact Faye for any integration questions and support.


This integration requires a two part installation:

  1. Install the integration from this listing by clicking ‘Install’ at the top of this page.
  2. Then, select this listing on the Zoom marketplace and install the integration from that marketplace as well. Once you install from both pages you will complete the set-up process.

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