Sentiment AI by Idiomatic

Label every support ticket with a sentiment score


惯用works with industry-leading brands to deliver best-in-class customer experience. By unlocking the "why" behind customer feedback and sentiment, companies like Pinterest, Facebook, and Instacart drive transformative solutions and create loyal, lifelong customers.

Understand your customer sentiment for free

The Idiomatic sentiment app can classify millions of customer comments in minutes giving you a crystal clear view of customer sentiment. With a sentiment layer, all of your customer insights will be supercharged.


  • Categorize all of your Zendesk Support tickets by customer sentiment with unparalleled accuracy with Idiomatic's proprietary machine learning trained exclusively on Support interactions.
  • Keep a pulse on how customer sentiment is changing over time with real-time sentiment score updates.
  • Prioritize improvements by comparing sentiment scores across customer types, problem categorization, or any of your Zendesk tags.
  • Drill down into root causes with advanced keyword and filter analysis.


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