Your AI Agent

Solve tickets directly from your Zendesk using GPT-3

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"Your AI Agent"-app from Infinite Hooray is designed to take the Customer Service efficiency and service experience to the next level. It does so by using the advanced capabilities of the GPT-model (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) from OpenAI. This machine learning model is able to generate new text using data from the Internet and databases. It incorporates technologies like natural language processing and natural language generation to understand and reproduce human language, argumentation, and thought patterns – perfectly designed to make high quality replies and to save time from your agents’ workday.

The key benefits of using ",Your AI Agent"-app are:

Enhanced Customer Service support with human-like responses to customer queries。该系统将立即产生a professional draft reply in a customer-friendly tone, without any spelling mistakes. Customer Service agents just have to add a few bullets to the ticket, based on a summary of the ticket provided to the agent, before asking the system to generate a draft reply. In most instances, the reply can be sent directly to the customer without any adjustments needed./nImproved agent efficiency。With the ability to generate quick and accurate responses the number of tickets an agent can solve will certainly increase dramatically and huge cost savings are pending.Broadened Customer Service for a more successful sales channel。By simply writing "Promote product A" and "10% off" in the bullet field, the system will incorporate a compelling selling text in the reply, offering the customer a discount on the specified product. This allows Customer Service agents to easily upsell and cross-sell products, increasing revenue for the company.A personalized marketing experience。Just like you can ask the system to pass on specific discounts or offer a certain product, you can also easily include branding and/or product information in the replies, making the customer feel like they are receiving a tailored and personalized communication.

About us: At Infinite Hooray, we are passionate about delivering Zendesk solutions that drive business growth, improve efficiency, and enhance the customer experience. Our team of experts specialize in creating innovative apps that not only benefit our clients but also support agent job satisfaction. With years of experience in the industry, we have a proven track record of guiding organizations through their customer journeys with success. Whether you're looking to streamline processes, improve communication or drive revenue, we are here to support you every step of the way.

For more information, click:Infinitehooray.comorsupport@infinitehooray

App details

Works with
Infinite Hooray
Price (USD)
Free to install
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