
Norris is a Zendesk theme with a large hero unit on all pages and a sticky header with a search bar that is visible at all times. It has a playful and bright design. Article pages show only content so that nothing distracts the attention.
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*Requires Guide Professional or above

About the theme

5,000+companies have chosen Lotus Themes for their beautiful design, consistent performance, and ease of use. Even Zendesk hires us to improve their help centers.View case studies →

Lotus Themes clients

Video of the extended out-of-the-box functionality

Add more functionality with extensions

Zendesk extensions are ready-made solutions that improve the self-service experience and overcome problems of the default help center.

  • Side navigation. Display categories, sections, and articles on inner pages.
  • Table of Contents. Highlight titles of relevant sections as users scroll through articles.
  • Alerts. Inform users with simple, customizable, and responsive notifications.
  • Contacts widget. Show various options for contacting support with one click.

See All Extensions →

How other companies customize our themes

branding and customization

We can help you create a similar look with your website and add whatever changes you want withcustomization.

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Watch the video about our themes

Video of the extended out-of-the-box functionality

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