Working with earliest and latest date functions

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  • Colin Hutzan


    我想把一份报告的门票gone the longest without a public comment by an internal agent.

    I have added a custom standard calculated attribute for latest public comment:

    IF ([Comment present]=TRUE
    AND [Comment public]=TRUE
    AND DATE_LAST_FIX([Update - Date],[Comment present],[Comment public],[Ticket ID])=[Update - Date])
    THEN [Update - Date] ENDIF

    And I have built a report in the updates history dataset using the metric D_COUNT Tickets Updated w/public comment + the rows:

    最新的公众意见(这就是我叫calculated attribute)

    Ticket ID

    Ticket organization name

    Ticket subject

    Updater name

    Assignee name


    Updater role: Agent, Admin

    Ticket status: On hold

    Comment public: exclude NULL and FALSE

    The returned results seem to be correct (in that the rows containing a value in the latest public comment column have the correct value), but most of the rows are returning no values/NULL for the latest public comment column. Why would this be the case? What changes should I make for this report?

  • Colin Hutzan

    Is it possibly to use DATE_FIRST to report on the first date an organization created a ticket?

    Our use-case is that we want to understand ticket volumes for newly launched customers. I cannot go off of the date that the organization was added to ZenDesk, because we historically have added organizations when they sign contracts... it can be years before they actually launch.

    So, the metric I need is 'first time existing organization submitted a ticket', set it to filter on dates within the last let's say 3 months, and then I would pull in ticket volumes by week for the organizations that fit the calculated metric.

    Let me know if I am on the right track here or if this is something impossible.. or possible via another route. Thanks!

  • Jordan Means

    I have been trying to build a report where it returns the timestamp that a ticket was first set to pending or on-hold but something isn't right as I am getting null values for some tickets that did have that change happen. The numbers that do get returned appear accurate. This may or may not include other changes in the same update, which I don't care about checking.

    My calculated attribute isUpdate to Pending/On-Hold.

    IF ([Changes - Field name]="status"
    AND ([Changes - Previous value]="open" OR [Changes - Previous value]="new")
    AND ([Changes - New value]="pending" OR [Changes - New value]="on-hold" OR [Changes - New value]="solved")
    AND DATE_FIRST_FIX([Update - Timestamp],[Update ticket ID],[Changes - Field name],[Changes - Previous value],[Changes - New value])=[Update - Timestamp])
    THEN [Update - Timestamp]

    Then I am plugging that into a calculated metric:

    DATE_DIFF([Update to Pending/On-Hold],[Ticket created - Timestamp],"nb_of_minutes")

    I suspect there is something off about the DATE_FIRST_FIX and have tried changing the values there but most combinations lead to nothing at all being returned. Is something causing it to be unable to detect the first change in some cases?

  • Gabby H

    I'm trying to accomplish the same as Jordan and keep getting blank results for tickets that were changed to status "Pending".


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