Fine Tuning: Delivering timely support with Web Widget


  • Official comment
    Karen Biscopink

    Good morning, everyone! We're now live in the forums with Part 1 of Fine Tuning on Web Widget! Yasmeen is today's author and is here to answer your questions.

  • Karis Thoresen

    Can you answer: How can analytics provide you with insight into what's working and areas of growth as you focus on continuous improvement?

  • Karen Biscopink

    嗨卡莉丝!Yasmeen会l dive in with some more thoughts here momentarily, but also stay tuned for Part 3 where we'll be talking data as it relates to self-service.

    Part 2 is now live in the forum!

  • Yasmeen Hyder

    嗨卡莉丝!One of the goals of self-service is to reduce the average number of requests per customer via knowledge sharing leading to a better customer experience. Understanding what content is searched for, click-through rates and ticket submissions are a few metrics that quantify the impact of self-service. Using analytics to understand why requests are being submitted is key. Using this data to determine opportunities to develop content and identifying ways to streamline internal processes to drive faster responses are two ways to focus on improvement. Understanding your Net Promoter Score as you roll out or optimize channel offerings is another way to measure your customer's sentiment towards your brand. While the metrics that matter tend to vary slightly from organization to organization, the goal of better serving your customers while driving operational efficiency is a common theme. The capabilities of Insights reporting, coupled with a strategy in place, can help you focus on continuous improvement.

  • Karen Biscopink

    Thanks for joining us today! Part 3 is now live. Come chat with Yasmeen about how you're measuring your self-service success!

  • Dan Lautman

    Hi Yasmeen

    We have implemented web widget across a number of our pages. How would you recommend we align our search results (which are captured in Zendesk) to page visits (which are not).

  • Yasmeen Hyder

    Hi Dan,

    I would recommend measuring traffic by enabling Google Analytics first:

    This article shares how you can correlate searches to traffic on the Help Center itself utilizing Google Analytics:

    To extend this to the Web Widget, you can add GA tracking to the specific pages where the widget resides.


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