Using Triggers to get the most out of Customer Satisfaction - Re-evaluation


  • Justin Seymour

    This is awesome! Thanks, Joe!

  • Tom Lightbody

    Nice one Joe.

    I've just set up a virtually identical one for us, but as an automation instead of a Trigger. That way the user can digest for 24 hours (or whatever) before being asked for feedback, and also they won't be bombarded with "Ticket Solved" emails at the same time.

    It all depends what you want I guess - you could even merge the two triggers (feedback request and ticket solved) into one for any such cases which stemmed from bad feedback.

  • Jennifer Rowe
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Great ideas, Tom. Thanks for sharing!

  • Fernando Duarte

    我们send notifications of all ratings received to the agent and its manager, but send the Good ratings with comments to the whole team as a way of bragging rights.

  • Jennifer Rowe
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Bragging rights are good! :) We do something similar--we put the ratings on Yammer so everyone can see them and comment if they want!

  • Joseph Tinter

    Great idea, Tom! Love the 'automation' ways as well as the Trigger. Works differently for every Zendesk! That's what makes us all unique snowflakes, right? ;-)

  • Kevin Lewis

    This is great. Thanks

  • Jan B

    Thanks Joseph and Tom!

    I used a bit of both worlds to get this working. Joseph his setup and Tom's automation are now working on our Zendesk :) Kudos on sharing this!

  • Jennifer Rowe
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Great idea, Jan! Glad you found a good solution. Thanks for sharing.

  • Mark Stagi

    Thanks for the tip Joe. Only issue I am having is the email sent to the client to resurvey doesn't give them the same good or bad links like the first survey. Instead it shows "You may still change your rating or comment." and then the user has to login to change the rating. Since we don't have our users login to the portal and communicate mainly via email it a big extra burden and so far nobody is changing the rating.

    Any workarounds for this?

  • Elf #3

    Hi Mark,

    You can include the same two links prompting an end-user to rate satisfaction from the notification with the {{satisfaction.rating_section}} placeholder.

  • Mark Stagi

    Hi Emily,

    Thanks for the response. That is the placeholder that I am using but it isn't working right. Attached is a screenshot of the response that is created when we use this.



  • Elf #3

    Hi Mark,

    I just tested your " Followup on Satisfaction rating" trigger, and the placeholder works correctly. If you're not referring to that trigger, please let me know and I'll create a ticket on your behalf so we can troubleshoot further!

  • Mark Stagi

    Hi Emily,

    Thanks. I tried another test and the email it's sending out doesn't give the 2 links only 1 link to change it but then it requires users to login. Please open up a ticket so we can get to the bottom of this.



  • Elf #3

    Hi Mark,

    I'm creating a ticket on your behalf and I'll see you there shortly!

  • SiteScout Operations Team

    Where can I find the follow up article that Joseph refers to at the end? ("In my next tip, I will tell you how to receive (through Triggers!) email notifications when these unsatisfied clients become satisfied clients")


  • SiteScout Operations Team

    Hi Emily,

    Could you have a look at my account as well? I'm having the same behavior/issue as Mark explains above.

    Thank you,

  • Ron Stuckey

    "In my next tip, I will tell you how to receive (through Triggers!) email notifications when these unsatisfied clients become satisfied clients."

    Has the next tip been published?" I really need to see the effectiveness of our efforts to follow-up.

  • Cristin Quealy

    Was there ever a resolution to the comments that including the {{satisfaction.rating_section}} placeholder does not provide the same two links to change the satisfaction rating?

    Our users do not login, and so we are trying to find a way to re-send them the satisfaction survey and allow them to change their rating through links -- without logging in.

    I tried including the {{satisfaction.rating_section}} placeholder and also the URLs for positive and negative ratings -- both sent me back to the same page that states the rating is already set, and I can login to change it.

  • Andrew Dietrich

    Hi Cristin,

    At this time there is no workaround for this, unfortunately. If a customer would like to change their rating after its initial setting, they need to log in.

  • Struckhoff

    Having read this, I just want to double check.

    Is theredefinitely no wayfor a customer to change their Satisfaction on a ticket without logging in?

  • Jessie Schutz
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Struckhoff!

    That is correct. The customer just log in in order to change their Satisfaction rating on a ticket.

  • Struckhoff

    Our customers don't log in, as our support is Phone, Email, and API only. This means they wouldn't have credentials to log in, and certainly wouldn't be Satisfied anymore if we asked them to create them in order to change their rating.

  • Jessie Schutz
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hey Struckhoff!

    I definitely see where you're coming from here. There is a work-around for this issue, but it could very easily be abused by agents and therefore we don't necessarily recommend it.

    A logged-in end-user is the only person who can change a satisfaction rating. What this means is that an agent in your Zendesk could assume an end-user's identity from their user profile and change the satisfaction rating on their behalf.

    You can see where this could become a sticky wicket. :)

    If you did decide to implement this work-around, you would want to make sure you had a very well-established set of criteria and workflows in place to determine when a CSAT rating change is appropriate and ensure the change is documented properly.

    For instance, you might require that the ticket contain a comment from the customer themselves explicitly stating that they want to change the rating. You may want to set up a workflow wherein your agents must escalate the ticket to a team lead, manager, or Zendesk admin to make the change, and that team lead/manager/admin would need to apply a macro to tag the ticket and provide appropriate documentation in an internal comment so tickets with a changed CSAT score can be identified and audited to help prevent abuse.

    For customers on the Enterprise plan, there's an additional option for helping prevent abuse of this functionality. The Enterprise plan includes the ability to customize your agent roles, including the access agents in a given role have to end-user profiles. If you set this access toRead-Only不会,代理人的角色be able to assume in to end-user profiles.

    Hopefully that helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions!

  • Struckhoff

    Thank you for the tip. Work-around suggestions are definitely always appreciated.

    However, this one doesn't work for us. We need a way to reliably prompt the customer to say they are now satisfied, that suits an environment where support is primarily via email and no users may log in. Any manual intervention on our part makes that too subjective, and more apt to be gamed.

    Do you have any plans to update your Satisfaction system to suit customers who don't provide access to the web portal?

  • Alex Culligan

    Hi Struckhoff,

    Unfortunately, we currently do not have a way of having end-users change their CSat response without logging in. Even with an API call from a verified user, a username and password are required to authenticate that user.

  • zzzzzz Spencer Hudson

    is this still the case, can't customer now change their status by email/???? do dont want to have the inconvenience of a customer having to log in again?

  • Jessie Schutz
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Spencer!

    Users are still required to log in to change their CSAT ratings in Zendesk. We do have an active thread about this in ourProduct Feedbackforum, though. I'd encourage you to add your vote and detailed use case to that conversation! It helps our Product Managers better understand what our customers need and why.

    You can find the conversation here:The ability to re-send Customer Satisfaction survey through email

  • Brad Marshall

    Hey Jessie and Zendesk:

    Are users still required to be authenticated to change their rating? Can they still not do it directly from an email?

    I ask because the most recent comment in this tip was from June 08, 2016, stating that users were still required. However, thelinked conversationhas a user, Max K.,adamantly statingthis was not a requirement as of January 27, 2016.

    Would appreciate some clarification. Thank you!

  • Josh Rosenthal

    Hey Brad,

    I did a little testing on this, and while I can't confirm when this changed, the satisfaction rating section in the CSAT email does not require users to log in seperately to rate or update the rating on their ticket from the email sent out.

    Hopefully that helps clear up what the current behavior is!


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