Cross filtering within Smart Lists


  • Marie Laurenza
    Zendesk Engineering

    Thanks for submitting this request to the public forum John!

    I look forward to seeing how many others upvote your request and tracking it with the hopes that we can build this functionality into the product roadmap.


  • Jean-Sébastien Catier

    One other use case : filtering deals or persons based on the mother companies (not the companies they are attached to).

  • +1! I am also really missing a way to get a smartlist of my existing customers and then pull in the field "total won deals" so that I can make a tiering based on account spend. Especially in MRR based business this is a crucial KPI. Currently this is not possible because this information doesn't "live" in the company section, but lives in the deal section of Sell and is only shown in a widget on the company card. It should be possible to easily push this information to the company card.

  • Paul Garcia

    Since there are so few ways to build custom reports inside Sell, my options are either to export and go through machinations to find data (not something I want sales reps to attempt), or rely on smart lists and standard reports. Smart lists allowing builds based on other objects is key because of the narrow types of history available to record things about contacts/leads. Tagging gets out of hand quickly when every action (form fill, brochure download, etc.) gets put into a collection of tags in the lead card. Notes have their own tags, which is where I'd prefer to put this type of information, but I still can't generate a report of all the leads who downloaded a specific whitepaper by filling out a form if the details are trapped inside the notes text. The filter based on notes tags helps while in a single lead, but not when I want a smart list or report. Please expand what smart lists can "see" and use. Thanks.

  • easyCRM

    strange that only few people are aware of the bug here.

    I find odd that I can't select audiences on other parameters that do not belong to their own. I mean, one person that belong to a company with we have a (or more) deal(s) is a typical relational database feature.

    Here I can't select fields from Deals or Company, hence I can only create audiences based on data included in the People db.

    and what amazes me even more is that so few people ask for it.

  • Caroline Nérot

    I wonder how this is not already developped!

    I want to send an email to every employees of companies, based on Industry of the companies. Impossible to do here. Please, make it happen!


  • Jean-Sébastien Catier

    Marie Laurenzais that enough for your team to consider it ? Second most upvoted feedback on the Community.

  • Caroline Nérot

    Hi, is there any respond from anyone at Zendesk for this post?


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