Change the order of the comments as an agent when viewing a ticket



  • Official comment
    Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hello everyone,

    Thanks for your patience on the feature request to flip the position of the composer and reverse the order of messages in the ticket UI.

    We’re coming to you with some exciting news! We're bringing three new configuration options within layout builder to increase agent efficiency:

    • Option to put the composer at the top or the bottom in the ticket UI
    • Option to see the newest messages at the top or the bottom in Conversation log
    • Option to always have the composer collapsed when you open a ticket to have more reading space

    We're targeting September for this release. This will be a part of theEarly Access Program for layout builder,并正式启动布局B的一部分uilder (in late 2023).

    Custom ticket layouts are created using an intuitive layout builder. Layout builder enables you to pick which components to include on a Support ticket, with the ability to arrange and size them as you see fit. You have the power to create the exact layout you need.

    These settings within layout builder will give you the flexibility to dynamically format how the conversation is styled based on any ticket property via Contextual Workspaces. For example, through Contextual Workspaces, an admin can set the composer and thread at the bottom for messaging tickets, and at the top for email tickets or any other combination you see fit.

    Look forward to bringing this to you in the coming few months. Thanks!

  • Kalle Windefalk

    +1 for this

  • Nicole Saunders
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Thank you for the detailed feedback, Seneca.

  • Mark Leci can quick jump to the end of a ticket using the 'end' key on your keyboard if you're on a PC if that helps!

  • Tim B.

    @...Where can we find this Agent Workspace? I looked today and still don't see any easy way to reverse the order of the comments.

  • Gab Guinto
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Timothy,

    The Agent Workspace, by default, already lists the comments from oldest (on top) to newest, unlike the standard interface where the comments are displayed from newest to oldest. At this time, there is still no option to reverse the order of comments within a ticket whether or not you have switched to the Agent Workspace.

  • Sebastian Thiele

    We switched form the classic view to agent workspace and my agents are absolut unhappy with the changed order. As more unhappy they get when I said there is no configuration for this.

    So Please prioritise this (small) feature.

  • Nick Lamb

    Is there any update on when this will be configurable in Agent Workspace? This is a blocker for our teams as our tickets get quite large and oldest first would dramatically damage our workflow.

  • Sari Siekkinen

    Our customer complain that when seeing their tickets on Help Center /your requests it is difficult to stroll down to add comments; as it is in here as well. It is annoying to find the newest in the bottom and write your comment on the bottom.

  • Lars Prakken

    +1 for this. We get quite a lot of complaints from our agents since this update.

  • Jonathan Ruh

    The ability to change the order would be highly appreciated.

    To be more precise, we would be OK with the newest message on top, if the ticket would actually load showing the latest message instead of the first message of the ticket.

    当阿pening a ticket, we always have to scroll down first. If it would auto-scroll to the bottom, that would be great as well.

  • Cezar Cociorba

    Please add an option to sort the view with the newest replies on the top.

  • Mark Leci

    It would be great if this could be implemented sometime soon. Since switching to the agent workspace this has been our biggest source of agent complaints. The default view simply doesn't make sense for support tickets.

  • Dave Dyson

    Hi everyone, I've removed a previous official comment that inaccurately implied that the ability to toggle the comment order existed in the Agent Workspace. Our product team is aware of this request, but as of now it is not on our roadmap. We'll update you here if that changes.

  • Nick Lamb

    @...Appreciate the update. Note: this is the primary reason we have not switched over to Agent workspace.

  • Sydney Neubauer

    +1 for this ability

    Switching to Agent Workspace is already a big change for our Agents. We would like to limit the amount of change they experience and having the comments remain the way they are used to would be a huge plus.

  • Ogic Services

    +1 for this ability

  • Sari Siekkinen

    Our reason as well not to use Agent workspaces is the WRONG order of comments on tickets.
    ALSO, our customers are complaining about it's wrong order of comments in their requests views in HelpCenter (just like in here in your Community comments it is annoying to go some threaths pages and pages until you find the latest comment).

  • Kolten Kittleson
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hello folks,

    谢谢你的伟大的重新排列或反馈der of ticket comments between ascending and descending. As of right now this isn't possible, but it is being considered for the future roadmap.

    Please upvote the request for this, and feel free to comment as well.

    Once we have more detail to add, I will be sure to update everyone!

  • Nick Lamb

    Kolten Kittlesonjust reiterating that this is still the primary reason we haven't switched to the new interface. This remains a blocker for my team as it greatly impacts our workflow to have comments in the last->first.

  • Pat Colombo

    +1 as well. why would you not offer this in the new interface?

  • Nicolas Jepsen

    I totally agree. This is a VITAL feature before we can proceed to the new interface. We just onboarded our Logistics department and they have really long conversations on a ticket. Due to the way tickets are sorted right now... for instance when the requester writes back from i.e Outlook (descending), all of the convo(replys) is pasted into the ticket and thus the newest response is not even in the bottom of the ticket window (ascending view) and you have to scroll through the previous responses to find the exact reply that was just given. This results in our department having to scroll through the ticket, spending alot of time figuring out where the newest response is... i get the overall idea behind having it mirror an omni-channel messenger setup, but this just doesnt work for larger conversations with outlook users, where the order is different.

    Another thing which bothers me in general - why havent you made the interface support more views and customization hereof ? (this is an integral part of the work flow in a bigger multi department setup) and also the possibility of having a hierarchy of views ---> this in general means more control over ticket flow and suits the whole "agent workspace" interface idea. This should be standard and not something you have to buy from a 3rd party developer.

  • Kolten Kittleson
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HelloNicolas Jepsen

    Touching on the second paragraph from your post, the team is currently in discovery phase with adding the option for displaying additional views past the current 12, and hope to post more for an announcement soon.

    As for the idea of more customization, can you expand on that?

    AndNick LambI sincerely appreciate the feedback and have brought in the team charged with this area to help detail out logic for the current structure as well as provide clarity on roadmap planning for this.

  • Nicolas Jepsen

    Kolten Kittleson

    Thanks for the fast reply Kolten! I think you should expand on the idea behind what already exist in for instance the Lovely Views app. My thoughts about views is, that it is somewhat similar to a regular folder, so why not make it more modular with the ability to drag-n-drop and re-order directly from the same interface. I think that the ability to create a "hierachy of views" is something very much needed. You could expand on this "modular" idea with further customization to color, font, general layout etc. to make Zendesk support even more tailored to fit the overall business and agent workspace area.

  • Tomer Ben-Arye

    Kolten Kittleson

    Any ETA for anything here, or will we be hanged in the air for the next 2 years? ( as the original post was created )

  • Greg

    Kolten Kittleson

    any updates here? We're forced by Zendesk to switch to Agent Workspace (mid August automatic switch) - and sorting change is very annoying.

  • Sari Siekkinen

    Greg, what are you meaning you are forced by Zendesk to switch to Agent Workspace
    Is this happening to all of us .... no, no, no. !!!!
    As the sorting is wrong on Agent Workspace (and in Help Center for customers ticket view) we cannot be forced to accept this.

  • Greg

    Sari Siekkinen

    got an e-mail from Zendesk saying "your Zendesk account will be automatically upgraded to Agent Workspace, our primary support user interface, starting mid-August 2022" - so my understanding is that we'll not be able to turn it off at that point

  • Sari Siekkinen

    Greg, thanks for the answer. I'll fear the day we will receive the message !!

  • Dean Wilson

    I cannot believe that the feedback being provided re sorting will not result in a prioritisation of the item to be added as an urgent item to the roadmap. It's not that hard to add the sort surely?

    Sorry but this is showing a clear lack of listening to the customers needs and only focusing on what Zendesk think we want not what we think we want.


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