Private Groups (Support) - Access to Suspended Tickets view



  • Official comment
    Alina Wright
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi everyone, working on this starting in April with a tentative release in Q3 2023. Stay tuned!

  • Sara Ledger

    100% agree withOleg Sakharov.亚博Zendesk需要扩大Susp的权限ended tickets to account for the change with Public/Private groups.

    Adding the ability for Private groups was great but at the same time it broke the suspended ticket permissions since users have to still have access to all tickets, not just Public group tickets which disregards the addition of the Private group functionality addition.

  • Alina Wright
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi, PM here for private ticket groups. Hear you on the suspended tickets issue and hoping it's something we can prioritize next year, pending annual planning. I hope to have an update on timeline for you in Q1.

    Thanks for your feedback on this! Helps us push the right things forward.

  • Sandata Technologies, LLC - Parent

    100% agree as well. This is very frustrating. We cannot enjoy the benefits of the private groups (which are very much needed) without losing system functionality for multiple teams. I am hopeful that this is on the road map as a priority for Q1 2023.

  • Sandata Technologies, LLC - Parent

    100% agree. This is very needed functionality and very frustrating for our teams. Being in the healthcare industry, a large marjority of content we share needs to be encrypted when sending to outside parties, and back to us. Our clients consistently encrypt their emails and our team needs to be able to access and resleas those that get stopped in the suspended folder as well as the release emails when we request premission to open the encrypted emails.

    We are stuck between a rock and a hard place. We cannot use Private groups as they are intended (and we need that as well) without also having a group of users still have access b/c they need the suspended ticket view.

    Thank you for considering this for 2023!!!

  • Alina Wright
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hey all, thanks for the continued feedback on this. Our plan is to delve into this suspended ticket view this year. It's a complicated problem with a not-so-straightforward solution on the backend so it may take us some time, but we're going to tackle it!

  • Tim G

    Same here unfortunately - this is a blocker to us being able to use Private Groups - the same users who have access to the private group in question, also need access to view suspended tickets - but they are not admins.

  • mfg

    we have the same issue as well. although the majority of our agents don't need access, we have a standard agent that does because they also review suspended tickets

  • Pascal Turmel

    Same here. Our business case is that we have Private Groups to deal with Gov agencies tickets.
    Our Triage team (who has no access to Private groups) does the rest and deal with suspended queue which they can no longer access if Private groups are enabled. This is a showstopper for us to renew Zendesk, so Product Management please speed up this implementation up (for me, this is another gross oversight when releasing the Private Group functionality)


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