Explore recipe: Deals in sales pipeline (funnel report)

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  • David Pinger


    I have a simple question. My dashboard has a date filter and two reports: A KPI for the no. of added- and a KPI for the no. of converted leads. I want to create a custom metric to calculate the ratio between the added- & converted leads. If there were 100 added leads in a week, and 20 converted, the expected output is 20%.

    When I set the date filter, all the reports are automatically updated. Now the tricky part: added leads depend on time - lead created - date. Converted leads depends on time - lead converted - date. This means the ratio between the two figures will always be either 100% or 0%.

    How would it change if I added Added Deals & Won Deals where the time depends on time - deal created - date & time - deal closed - date?


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