Zendesk on Zendesk: How we manage customer satisfaction surveys and ratings


  • Dan Ross
    Community Moderator

    At your Relate conference this year, Zendesk had a presentation on the value of a good survey. Concepts like using a 5-7 point question (strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, neutral etc.etc.) to capture how your customers truly feel instead of just a simply binary choice, which can result in a hidden group of really-not-that-happy users. It would be great to be able to implement best practices that Zendesk talked about at their own conference, without having to resort to external services and the API...

    Are there any plans to bring this kind of detail to Zendesk surveys? Or the ability to ask more than one question? For example, asking if the customer was happy with the agent and with the case resolution?


  • Anna Rozentale

    Hi Dan,

    Thanks for reading - while we use our Relate platform to explore best practices and trends in the industry, we don't have immediate plans to enable more questions in the CSAT survey. Our Product Managers are always looking for feedback in ourcommunityto improve and evolve Zendesk features and I have passed your comment along, too!

    Thanks again,


  • Dan Ross
    Community Moderator

    Hi Anna,

    That's too bad there's a gap between the preaching of industry best practices and the implementation of them.

    Thank you all the same for making the time to respond.


  • Pete Holborow


    I was in the same session and asked a Zendesk member if they were planning to enable this feature in their own CSat surveys. I was given the impression that they were considering it but perhaps I understood incorrectly based on what Anna told you.


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