Explore - Reporting CSAT by Date Survey Taken



  • Gentry Geissler
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Jason,

    Thanks for that question! It looks like you'll need to use custom metrics under the Ticket Updates dataset to get that data. Basically, we're looking for the satisfaction field value to change from something to good or bad. There are some caveats if ratings changed a lot on the same ticket, because it could potentially return more than one entry per ticket if a user changed their mind on satisfaction. See the screenshot below.

    I hope that helps!

  • Jason Dahlberg

    Hey Gentry,

    That is a great start and thanks for that, but is there anyway that it can be done in an attribute? Because I use this in my Support: Tickets, Users, Organizations data set to see how the CSAT is doing over time.

  • James Sanford

    Hey Jason!

    Please note that you are using a dataset that is not on the most current schema (Support: Tickets, Users, Organizations) and we would recommend following the process outlined inWhich datasets use the latest data schema?to make sure you are using a current dataset schema.

    因为你想展示这个数据基于the time of the event it would be necessary to use the Ticket Updates Dataset. If you wished to make a comparison between these two Queries we would recommend placing both of those on a Dashboard side by side so that you can see those long term trends in relation to the time of the event of those ratings. Please note that if you are using the Tickets dataset to view the long term trends of this and using a date dimension such as Date Solved then the you are seeing that data based on the Date the Ticket was Solved and not the Date of the Satisfaction Rating event. You may wish to move your current report over to using the Ticket Updates dataset as well if you wished to review those trends based on the date of the rating as well.

  • Jason Dahlberg

    Hey James,

    Thanks for this, I have been playing around with this and my question is, is there a way to put Satisfaction Score in combination with CSAT Date Rated metric?

  • James Sanford

    Hey Jason!

    Apologies, the Satisfaction Score metric is only available in the Tickets Dataset and is comprised of attributes that are only available to the Tickets Dataset so it is not possible to recreate this within the Ticket Updates Dataset.

  • 長谷川 真希

    Hi there,

    I had trouble making this metric because we use Japanese as our default language in Zendesk, and the metric is on the picture (can't copy and paste). So I share the formula for the ppl who are in the same situation.

    Zendesk の言語が日本語の場合、ここで紹介されている測定基準を編集する必要があり、Zendesk サポートから正しく設定できる方法を教えてもらったので共有します。

    IF([変更 - フィールド名] = "satisfaction_score" AND
    ([変更 - 新しい値] = "good" OR
    [変更 - 新しい値] = "bad")) THEN
  • 野田 恭子

    Thank you 長谷川 san for your sharing here!

    When you have trouble pasting the English queries into Explore UI in other locales, you can change your profile language to English in Support, refresh the Explorer browser, then the English query should be saved without the error. It is not the best way, but it is a current workaround when next time you encounter the same issue.

  • 長谷川 真希

    I see. I'll try that next time.

    Thank you Noda san!

  • Lynda Cuevas

    I tried reading the comments above, but I'm still a little lost.

    How would one be able to determine what % of scores were Thumbs Up for all scores received on a certain day?

    I'm trying to get something like this for all scores received throughout the days of the week:

  • Chris Bulin
    Community Moderator

    HiLynda Cuevas! You can do this with a Result Metric calculation. You would want to use the following metrics:
    COUNT(Rated Satisfaction tickets)
    COUNT(Good Satisfaction tickets)

    Add your days of the week as columns, and rows as your agents or teams.

    From there, you'll create a Result Metric Calculation from the Result Manipulation menu to divide the number of good csats by the total number of csats submitted. It looks like this:

    And check the box if the calculation is the only thing you want to show in your table. Next, set your display value to percent in the configuration menu:

    After you do that, you should have something that looks like this:

    From there, you can clean up by setting how many decimal places you want, moving the metrics to rows so you can hide the column and get a cleaner look, etc.

    Hope that helps!

  • Lynda Cuevas

    How do I add the days of the week as a column? I'm only able to do so by choosing from date created, date solved, date updated, date updated by requester, etc.? Which do I choose?

  • Christina Libs

    Hi@...- I noticed you reviewed this topic with our Customer Care team in a separate ticket. Please let us know if you need further assistance. Thanks!

  • Jake Warren

    +1 for this data point to be available

  • Sam
    Community Moderator

    Also handy for us. It would be beneficial to segregate the date a survey is received from a ticket update date, because one does not necessarily equal the other. Right now, it would beassumedthat the most recent update is the CSAT survey. This doesn't work if we notice negative CSAT and then engage on a ticket again to try and resolve the issue as newer updates supersede the CSAT rating event.


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