New agent workspace, Long emails / signatures



  • Official comment
    Amisha Sharma

    Hello All,

    Great news! We heard you and we have released an enhancement today. You can find more details in the article. Please feel free to provide feedback as well:


  • Kilian

    I exactly face this issue as well. We mainly communicate via email with our customers. Every email has a signature and the change to the new agent workspace now has the consequence, that we start in a ticket at the bottom and always have to scroll up.

    In special cases zendesk cannot recognize that a ticket-respond has included all previous comments again (comments are then duplicated within the ticket). It seems that it has to do with the email settings of the respondent.

    Suggestion for improvement: Scrolling above the latest message within the ticket affects the appearance of the button "Jump to latest message". By clicking on that button you start on top of the latest message. Why not always start at the top when a ticket gets opened?

  • Sophal Seang

    We also faced the same issue in our organization. When there are multiple email chains in the ticket, the latest response normally get lost in the middle of the page of the ticket, hence very hard to navigate around.

    Hoping for a solution very soon.

  • JJ Miclat

    HeyKilian,Sophal Seang, andTuomas Savonius,

    Good news - we're working on functionality to have the conversation log automatically jump to the top of the latest message in Agent Workspace, rather than the bottom, for better readability of long threads/emails. It should be available within a month - I'll keep you posted.



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