how do i change the requester based on ticket subject using trigger?



  • Oliver Tietze

    We used an API Target for this.

    HTTP Target "Update Ticket via JSON":
    URL: https://yourcompany‎{{}}.json
    Method: PUT
    Content Type: JSON
    Basic Authentication: use "‎" as username and the token as password (check support on how to create a token)

    Trigger "Set requester to John Smith":
    Conditions as you need them
    Actions: Notify target: Update Ticket via JSON
    JSON text:

    "ticket": {
    "requester_id": 1234567

    请求者的记录存在t already to find the ID (from the profile). As far as I know you could also provide a "requester" property providing "name" and "email" like this

    "ticket": {
    "requester": {
    "name": "Pablo",
    "email": ""

    but this we didn't need this so we didn't test it :)

    I also recommend to add a tag that shows that this trigger was fired (i. e. "requester_changed"). Easier for debugging if you filter all tickets that were automatically changed by it.

    Happy coding


  • henry

    Hello Oliver,

    Thank you for your reply

    I try to create this HTTP target but I only have the option to use basic authentication using username and password.

    how do I use my generated token for authentication?

    Thank you

  • Oliver Tietze

    Basic authentication is correct!

    You enter this as the‎
    You enter this as the password:your token

    The credentials used must represent a user with sufficient permissions to change tickets.

    Best regards,

  • 布拉姆

    Hi, what is the best way to trigger the API target (put) to change the requester?

    I would also like to change the requester of an incoming ticket based on the phone number that is provided in the title of the ticket. Our Voip solution automatically creates tickets for everyone taken phone call.

  • jvon

    Just in case anyone stumbles on this article (it was the first Google result for me) -- this has changed since originally posted as HTTP targets don't quite exist (URL targets now)

    There's a great answer on how to do this with a webhook here:


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