Understanding the Article Recommendations..."> Reflecting the "Click" and "Resolved" Metrics in the Messaging Channel of the Suggested Articles Dashboard – Zendesk help - 亚博,亚博电脑端,亚博官方app

Reflecting the "Click" and "Resolved" Metrics in the Messaging Channel of the Suggested Articles Dashboard


  • Daniel Aron
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi小林正左子, we are planning to add insights to theFlow Builder Explore reportingin Q2 that should help with this, so stay tuned for an announcement and more details.

  • Emma Fitzsimons

    Since moving to Messaging we are missing some vital pieces of reporting in Explore.

    I'm now deep-diving into metrics on Answer Bot and in particular on case resolution from article recommendations. The query does not currently allow a report on case resolution from article recommendations via the Messaging channels; one of our main comms channels.

    Will I be able to see these metrics soon?

    Thanks, Emma

  • Emma Fitzsimons


    Is there a plan to develop missing Article Recommendations reports for the messaging channel?

    Regarding note from earlier in this thread:

    For example, these reports include metrics about answers and attempts on messaging, but do not include metrics about clicks and resolutions.

    Could you let me know where to find the answers and attempts on messaging metrics for Article recommendations please? At the moment, I'm unable to retrieve any data at all for Messaging in the Article recommendations reports.



    answers and attempts.

  • Michelle Z.

    Daniel AronEnd of Q2 is right around the corner, how is this tracking?

  • Kouki



  • Daniel Aron
    Zendesk Product Manager
    Update: To measure the success of the articles you include in your bot answer flows configured with Flow Builder for messaging, you can use the Flow Builder Explore dataset and dashboard to achieve this:

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