Managing data storage in your Zendesk account

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  • Eliott De La Rosa Juarez

    @...if file atachments is 50MB it will counted as 50MB for the file storage and 0.10KB for the Data Storage. I supose,

  • Thomas D'Hoe
    Community Moderator

    Where can we see the total storage currently used?

  • sanarte

    +1 to that. It will be nice to have a dashboard to manage the available size.

  • Pablo Kenney
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi@...and@...我们正在建设的存储boards, we expect to have this ready towards the end of this year (2021 for future readers - feel free to keep me accountable on this). I understand the desire to have that data available, and we are very much working to not surprise anyone with these limits.

  • Pablo Kenney
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi@...- basically yes. Technically, there are parts of Chat and Talk that create tickets and therefore are also affected by these limits, but for most customers Support is the product most affected.

  • Pablo Kenney
    Zendesk Product Manager attachment correct in his interpretation, if a file attachment is 50mb, then it would count as 50mb towards file storage and 0.1 kb for data storage (the article will be updated to clear this up).

    Regarding your earlier questions, we began implementing data storage limits in June 2020 (when this article was first published). We are rolling out stages of enforcement, and will not enforce broadly until it is available for customers to observe in the product. All enforcement will be done in good faith and in cooperation with customers affected.

  • Ak N

    Hi, Is there any way for us to get this information about the storage usage(total used,total available storage) through the Support API?

  • Pablo Kenney
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi@..., this information is not currently available through the Support API, as we integrate this information into the product (see my notes above) we would also make it available in the Support API, although the sequencing of UI/API work remains TBD.

  • Jürgen Wagenbach


    You have mentioned by one of your comments that the data storage dashboard will be available end of 2021. I am still wondering if there is another way in the meanwhile to gather some information about the amount of data and file storage which has been cut by Zendesk?

    We actually get huge attachments by requesters quite often and see that a lot of these attachments and also screenshots in former tickets "passed away" and just the ticket's text is present. This is not acceptable for us because we also have chosen Zendesk as a professional support system solution to keep all information exchange with our customers in a data base which even offers access to the ticket history after years. This seems not to be a fact based on the (not very obvious) data restrictions not such restrictions have not been clear (or even present?) when we decided to use Zendesk some years ago.

    We got an offer for extending our Zendesk data and file storage space but we have no idea how many data and file storage we actually need or how much of space had been in use since we started our Zendesk based ticketing system in 2018. Such a key figure is required to adapt the (additionally paid) data and file storage area properly.

    We urgently need some way to identify our actual data and file space requirements and adapt our license to this.Please let me know how we can figure this out?

  • Pablo Kenney
    Zendesk Product Manager


    Please email me at [edit: removing email from public internet for now - continued conversation over email] I do not believe that any "offer for extending our Zendesk data" is legitimate, as we are not sending out proactive requests in that manner at this point in time [edit: it was legitimate, but also confused]. Even if we were, based on our information on file, I believe that you are well within any existing limits and that any "offer for extending our Zendesk data" is not legitimate outreach from Zendesk. Having said that, I can only confirm that by connecting directly and confirming your account information.

    I apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Jacqui

    Hi ,

    We have been contacted to say we are over our storage limit and that a sales person would like to get on a call to discuss increasing our storage. This doesn't seem right at all (yes it was a legitimate ZD email) We don't even know what our current storage level is! What is the ETA on seeing our storage levels? We shouldn;t be asked to pay for anything extra if we can't even see the data.

  • Pablo Kenney
    Zendesk Product Manager


    Thanks for reaching out. I understand your frustration. Your sales rep should be able to share your data usage information with you, and should be able to share all relevant options. Contrary to earlier timelines, we do not expect to have data storage limits in the product in 2021. I know this is not a good experience, but we had to prioritize critical infrastructure work. I am planning on updating this thread as soon as we have a new date.



  • prakash.sati

    Where can we see the total storage currently used?

  • Holly
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Prakash, thanks for getting in touch. I'm creating a ticket from your inquiry so that your account executive can share this information with you. You'll hear from us again by email soon!
  • Where can I see the total storage currently used to maintain and when can we expect to have Storage Dashboard available?

  • Jysk IT en del af Sagro I/S

    Like Denny Lee is asking, when is it expected to have the dashboard available?

  • Pablo Kenney
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiSamsung Electronics America, Inc. - IT AccountandJysk IT en del af Sagro I/S- I can't commit to a date for the dashboard at this stage. We're doing work right now to enable retrieving the data through an API and then we'll build the UI to share that data back.

  • Daniel Ramlow

    Pablo Kenney
    Is there any news on the subject of UI?

  • Pablo Kenney
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiDaniel Ramlow- we have a working POC (Proof of Concept) and are now working on fitting in the work against other priorities. As soon as we have a fixed date, I'll update this thread.

  • Donald Cornel


  • msoffia

    hi, when is it expected to have the dashboard available? what features to manage the storage?

  • Dolores Vincenzo

    any news on the dashboard? thank you!

  • Leigh Kelsey

    Adding a +1 here. Any idea when this will be ready?Pablo Kenney

    Seems counterintuitive to have to email when we need this info.

  • Pablo Kenney
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiLeigh KelseyDolores Vincenzomsoffia-

    We are testing this now, and expect to have it in the product in the next 3 months. As you can imagine, making sure the data and data presentation are correct, clear, and easy to consume are very important here, and we're taking time to get that right. Given that we're almost 2 years from my original post in this thread, I fully understand the frustration. Please know that we are treating this is as a critical project across the company. cc:Sean Newton

  • Leigh Kelsey

    thank youPablo Kenneyand we're excited this is being prioritized!

  • Maximiliano Cooper

    HeyPablo KenneyMaxi here, a Zendesk partner.

    I'm not sure if I'm missing something here, but from my understanding of this documentation, since absolutely all objects (including Closed tickets) count towards this limit, eventually all customers will reach the limit, right? Accounts will keep on receiving tickets and creating end-users and tags and so on, and data usage will continue to grow since there is no automatic removal of data. And I'm pretty sure you'll agree that asking customers to delete tickets is not a good user experience, particularly if they have to do it manually.

    我的问题是:有没有计划在这个upgrade to other than show usage, also either remove from this KPI some data points or offer an automatic removal tool (as in an option to delete Closed tickets or end-user with no interactions after X days, where ideally X is defined by the customer)?

  • Hugo Meana

    Outraged!I'm late to this party, come there is not moreOUTRAGEat this blatantEXTORSIONby Zendesk.

    1) 62 EUR / 68 USD per extra unit is THEFT. Not sure how units are calculated, but they seem to be losely based on 1-2 GB of storage. Want to know what the current GB of storage goes these days? Less than 0.020 USD. If we agree to this change we will 5x our yearly bill with Zendesk for something that should be peanuts.

    2) We've been with Zendesk for over 10 years. We have hundreds of thousands of users, tickets, attachments, etc. Without a dashboard or detailed drilldown capabilites, I cannot selectively delete data. I can't just blindly delete old information because I have users, tickets with more important info from 2015, than from say 2020. Users with specific object data. Valuable attachments, tickets, etc.

    3) This is obviously a milking strategy from zendesk. Another way to rake in money from existing customers, instead of grandfathering them into specific plans like other companies do. It already started withAPI rate limiting. Now it will beextra storage units. Next up?Probably number of tickets per agent, or length of agent response.

    This isdespicable. We've been with zendesk from the beginning, suffering from your initial growing pains when your service would fail on a daily basis. We stuck with you, only to be pushed into a corner will little to no options.

    Fix this Zendesk. Do the right thing.

  • Pablo Kenney
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiMaximiliano Cooper

    Yes, we have time based deletion tools planned for delivery this quarter and more advanced deletion capabilities on our roadmap (both via UI and API).

  • Pablo Kenney
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiHugo Meana,

    I hear you, and am happy to respond to your points. If you'd like to discuss further, you're welcome to email me'm traveling this week so responses may be delayed).

    1) Regarding the pricing, the costs are not based purely on the database storage, but instead the overall costs of compute, search, and labor to handle high storage accounts. If you compare to other vendors in our industry (which we have) - you'll find that our prices are similar and usually lower than industry standard. There is no doubt that it would be cheaper for you to export the data into your own database, but again you would lose the various services that we build into the cost profile.

    2) I understand that ticket deletion and observability is more difficult than desired. We have significant work coming to improve this, but our teams can partner with you during this stage to help understand what's possible. As you'll note in the article, we already have a dashboard in EAP, and plan to continue that work.

    3) I suspect we might ultimately need to agree to disagree on this last point, but as to your API rate limit example - we've had and enforced our API rate limits since roughly 2011. We have that rate limit because if accounts are using more of the API than that rate limit than we need to change our management and cost profile of the account - adding cost and complication to our infrastructure. Similarly, if accounts use a disproportionate amount of storage, then we incur a degree of cost and complication that is disproportionate to base costs for the given plan. This policy has been in place since June of 2020, and exists to ensure reliability and cost alignment.

    We appreciate your loyalty to Zendesk and again I welcome direct conversation via email.

  • Tyler Comfort

    Our experience has been extremely challenging using this dashboard.

    It does not give you any insight whatsoever into the amount of storage by tickets, vs users, etc. We just have to blindly take shots in the dark as to what to remove, and trust that its accurate. Zendesk enforcing something with so little transparency is an extremely negative experience.


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