About CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) ratings in Zendesk Support

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  • Hannah Ehrlich


    Often times our users submit multiple tickets and we just close the duplicates. I don't want to send CSAT requests/conversations to the closed duplicates - I only want them to get one CSAT request. Is there a way to change the Send CSAT survey in relation to ONLY tickets one of my agents has responded to? Would it be to set it to only send it to "Assignee: one of our agents," and never a requester?


  • Graeme Carmichael
    Community Moderator


    The best way to deal with duplicate tickets is tomergethem into one ticket. This keeps everything in one ticket and helps more accurate reporting. Some agents may not be able to merge tickets depending on their user role.

    If that does not appeal, you can use triggers and automatons to suppress your surveys.

    Normally, surveys are sent by an automation. Unfortunately, number of agent responses is not an available condition.

    But you can create a trigger that looks for a public reply by an agent. If that happens, add a tag to the ticket like 'ok_to_send_csat_survey'. Now change the automation that sends the survey to check if that tag is present. If there is no tag the automation will not fire

  • Test

    Is it possible to set up CSAT ratings in a 5 point Likert Scale?

  • Graeme Carmichael
    Community Moderator


    Zendesk do not provide a 5 point CSAT rating. You would need a third part app for that. Sorry.

  • Cory Brown

    @...You could add a 2, 3, 4 or 5-scale rating with Simplesat:https://www.simplesat.io/zendesk-customer-satisfaction-surveys/

    Here's how it would work to embed in any trigger or automation:https://help.simplesat.io/en/articles/955487-add-a-simplesat-survey-to-zendesk

  • Yaniv Dayan

    Hi Guys,

    Since we normally not working in front of the end-user but with one level above, 90% of the support questions come from a relatively small group of users. We don't want to overload this group with CSAT, and also do not wish to send CSAT to casual clients.

    What we are looking for is a trigger/automation that sends CSAT every 10 solved tickets, but starts counting after the 2nd ticket (so eventually a client will get CSAT on his 2nd ticket, 12th ticket, 22nd, and so on)

    Any idea how we can implement it?

  • Cory Brown

    @...Hmm this might be complicated, but what if you had some trigger sequence like:

    • When a ticket is solved that doesn't includes any 1-12 tags, add the tag "1"
    • When a ticket is solved that includes the tag "1", add the tag "2", remove the tag "1", send satisfaction survey
    • When a ticket is solved that includes the tag "2", add the tag "3", remove the tag "2"
    • And so on...
    • When a ticket is solved that includes the tag "12", remove the tag "12", send satisfaction survey

  • Stella Park

    If a ticket is merged with another open ticket, does that merged ticket send a satisfaction email? If so, is there a way to prevent that from happening?

  • Heather Rommel
    Community Moderator
    The Product Manager Whisperer - 2021

    HiStella Park,

    The original ticket becomes one with the target ticket it merges with so only one CSAT goes out and it goes on the surviving ticket.

    Whenever you want to exclude tickets from sending a CSAT, you can add a tag of your choice and go to the Automation that sends the CSAT and add that tag to "Has none of the following Tags" in the conditions.



  • Kate Ambash

    I have very few customers, but none seem to be rating my tickets. Do you think this is because the default text is so small? Have others had this trouble?

  • Yaniv Dayan

    Hi@...you can replace the default text with some nice icons that are relevant to your business (e.g., a shiny Fender electric guitar for good satisfaction vs. a banjo for bad satisfaction). See:https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/211668888

  • Dave Dyson

    Thanks Yaniv for point out that tip!@...there are also some tips here about changing how long it takes for the CSAT survey to be sent, or even combining it with the "Solved" notification so that your customers see the survey when the issue is still fresh:Customizing your customer satisfaction survey. Hope this helps!

  • Yaniv Dayan

    Hi@...and@...- I think that the reason why your client does not send CSAT - is because of a bug in Zendesk CSAT. Or actually, they do send CSAT, but Zendesk does not save it to the ticket.

    After spending a few hours on that, and trying several different trigger combinations that actually saying the same, I made a test to discovers a bug on ZD side: The client receives the CSAT mail with the two links. When he clicks on good/bad a page is opened that says that his rating was saved with a button Update, which gives the impression that he already selected, and now he can update his selection. But in-fact, only after he click Update, his selection is saved (and not by clicking on the email link!)

    This is very confusing as the button say Update and not OK (and then changed to Update):

    This trigger proves it:

    This trigger was triggered 39 times. Then, a CSAT was sent to the client:

    When he clicks on the Good link, he gets the page bellow, but the trigger was not fired (still 39 times)and the ticket was not changed with the new rating:

    on ZD side, the ticket has no rating:

    Only after the user click Update(without changing his rating) – the trigger is fired (changed to 40 times), and the ticket is updated with the rating:

    If the user clicks Update again without changing anything, the trigger is not fired again.

    This proves that the client thinks that the rating was saved for the 1sttime, but actually, it was not saved.

    Dave, what do you think? This looks like a critical bug.

  • Yaniv Dayan


    After reporting it to ZD, I got an answer from@...:

    The rating is only applied after around 15-45 minutes after the link has been clicked. This is by design and is intended to allow users time to enter a comment and save the page if they want to. The reasoning behind this is because if the rating were applied immediately, when the user submitted first clicked the link, and then proceeded to enter a comment and click "update", then there would actually be 2 rating events which could cause issues with things like reporting.

    I can confirm that after waiting about an hour, the ticket was updated with the 1st click from the email.

  • Taylor

    How do you resend a CAST survey to someone who gave you a bad score, but you worked out the issue and would like to offer them the survey again?

  • John Espina
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Rachel,

    In regards to your concern, there are some workarounds that you can perform to try re-evaluating the CSAT score of the customer.

    Here are some article links that you can refer to:https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/203457806.

    Also, there's a community article that you can check:https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/205873008-Reset-satisfaction-rating-to-allow-a-resend-after-improvement-of-situation

    I hope this information helps.

    John Espina | Customer Advocate

  • Bart

    Is it possible to create an explore report where you can view the satisfaction rating as a whole from articles linked within a ticket?

    For example, if I linked to an article within a ticket and a client left a negative review, I'd like to know which tickets were affected so I can check what articles to update / review and perfect.

  • Maria Dailey

    Can "Good" and "Bad" be removed? They cause a lot of stress as an agent. "Satisfied" and "Unsatisfied" relay the same message without being hurtful. Also would like to see another question that specifies if the feedback is for the company vs individual agent.

  • Dave Dyson

    Hi Maria,

    I'm afraid there isn't a way to remove "Good" and "Bad" from the native Satisfaction experience, but if you enable Satisfaction Reasons, you can provide a way for your customers to be specific about the reason why they've left a Bad rating:Working with satisfaction reasons. I know from personal experience that it can be painful to see a Bad rating on a ticket you're responsible for, but perhaps with Satisfaction Reasons enabled, your agents can avoid taking ratings personally when it's not something they can be responsible for.

    If you're like more customizability with your Customer Satisfaction experience, there are some third-party apps that can provide additional flexibility:Zendesk Apps Marketplace

  • Yaniv Dayan

    Hi@...- Maybe it's time that Zendesk will change the terminology of Good/Bad. I'm Satisfied/unsatisfied is enough. No one gives bad support, but sometimes the answer is not enough. For example, you gave a good answer, but it is not enough, as you could add it to your wish list or forward it up to your managers.

    @..., what do you think? (Don't count on it, it is almost impossible to convince Zendesk to change something for their clients...)

    You can customize the good/bad text on the SAT that is sent to the clients with happy/sad icons so at least your clients won't feel bad to give 'bad' feedback.

  • Maria Dailey

    @...Yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking. Zendesk should strongly consider this feedback.

  • Darrell Martin

    I so nor see this option under my reports. Has it moved?

  • Cheeny Aban
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Darrell,

    Are you pertaining to thePrebuilt Support Dashboard在探索?如果是,不,它不是感动。这是the second to the last tab, just before SLA.

  • RichL

    Yaniv Dayan-- Thank you for your comments above surfacing and then explaining the delay between when End user rates the ticket and when the rating appears on the ticket from the Agent UI.

    While I understand the rationale for why it works like this (as described above) I don't think this should have to be the way it works. Why would two rating events on the same ticket cause a problem with reporting? It is in fact two separate events: The user submits their rating and then the user submits a comment.

    Seems like it should have always been recorded as two separate events but since it wasn't now it can't be changed.

    I don't think it's a good practice to have the user submit something on a ticket and not have that reflected as an event immediately. There are use cases for triggering an event immediately upon the survey being responded to (which are admittedly edge cases) but still this I think is a dangerous idea as Zendesk system and admin should know a change was submitted as soon as it was submitted to inform triggers that might need to be executed in real time and not 15-45 minutes after the user completes some action. Just my two cents!

  • Rebecca Che

    Hi, when the agent has any bad rating, can we set up an email notification in Zendesk so that the team lead can be notified? Tks

  • Chris Hobbs

    Rebecca Che- yes that is possible and easy to do with a Trigger.
    We have implemented that and it is quite useful.

    虽然坏CSAT的我们已经收到诺玛lly due to the Feedback email being quite sensitive (so if a user is checking it on the mobile phone) they may accidently select Bad and not even realize it.

    Go to your Trigger View in Admin Console.
    Define Meets Any of these Conditions

    Satisfaction "is" Bad

    Then just add the action to e-mail the Team Lead and there you can define the email subject and body.

  • Dave Dyson
    Thanks, Rich!
  • Paul Wyatt


    We're getting some complaints that our German customers receive the satisfaction questions and answers in English. Do you have other language variants of the satisfaction placeholder?


  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Paul,

    This may be of some help:Are CSAT surveys multi-lingual?
  • Anuj Singh

    Hey everyone!

    How can we send a reminder to customers for CSAT for the customers who don't rate us?

    Is there any way to set a reminder for those customers who haven't rated the ticker once it was solved?

    Kindly help me with the steps.



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