Time Tracking


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  • Automatically track the time spent on each of your Zendesk Support tickets
  • Customize the app to include the exact functionality that your team needs
  • Leverage Insights to create detailed reports with your time tracking data

The Time Tracking app makes managing your team's performance and overall support operations easier. Easily identify which customers send in the most complicated tickets, or which issue types take the longest for your team to resolve. Dig down into an agent's tickets to discover what's taking up their time and which issues they're experts on.

Know exactly how and where your team is spending their time

Keep a running log of which support agents have worked on a ticket and how long each interaction lasted. Automatically log the total time spent the second your agent updates a ticket or let them manually enter their time.

Easy to setup, customize, and use

The Time Tracking App doesn't require any third party setup or login. Simply customize how the Time Tracking app displays and works for your support team, for a seamless fit into your team's current workflow.

Report on your time logs and take action

Start reporting right away with easily built custom time tracking reports through Insights. Know exactly what's draining your support team's resources and find the best areas for optimization and improvement.

By enabling this app, You agree to theBuilt by Zendesk Terms of Use."

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