Adding and managing subscriptions in Sell

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  • dianakurth

    Hi there,

    it could be helpful to have subscriptions showing in the sell app in support. right now it's not a choice in the layout.

    together with the deals this may complete the picture of ongoing business for support agents.

    is this foreseen? when?


  • Mahi Tangnoo

    Hey, It would be helpful if you can suggest :
    -> How can I access Subscription field and Current MRR which you mentioned in your article above from Zendesk Sell in my Zendesk explore to create reports
    -> How can I access these fields which you mentioned in your article above into my Zendesk explore for reports :

    • Current MRR
    • Upcoming MRR
    • Subscription end date
      It would be great if this has a solution.
  • Agnieszka Czajka
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thank you for your feedback Diana!

    We are indeed planing to connect Subscriptions to deals as a next step for these feature. We are working on it at the moment, so keep an eye out for updates.

    In regards to showing subscriptions in the sell app in support - that is also something that we have in mind for the future, but it will not be a part of the next release. Thanks for pointing out that these is something you consider important - it will help us decide priorities for what are next steps for Subscriptions.

  • Vamsi Thota (Sandbox)

    Can we also define the billing cycle whether it's quarterly subscription, monthly, annual?

  • Agnieszka Czajka
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi Vamisi

    Unfortunately not at the moment - the feature is still in MVP stage at the moment. But that is something that we have on our roadmap for the future.

  • Admin

    will also process transactions? Is there a way of doing this?

  • Dainne Lucena
    Zendesk Customer Care


    Natively not at the moment. Sell is mostly for tracking purposes.

  • Min Keon Kim

    Hi team,

    I edited information of Subscription but the tag was not working.

    is there any option should be set before?

  • Jesper Rosenkrantz

    I just have to make sure I understand ... One of the main selling points for Sell is the integration with your main product, Support, but if you're selling subscriptions, then you can't show in Support if a customer has an active subscription? That doesn't make sense - am I missing something?

  • Wesley Bowles

    Are there plans to include subscription properties in triggers/automatons?

    For example:

    -ability to automate tasks based on upcoming subscription renewals
    -trigger subscription creation based on deal closure (or end subscription based on deal lost)
    -Trigger email sequences to fire based on the amount of elapsed time from when the subscription has started?


  • Jason Seed

    Hello, is there any updated on when subscriptions will be part of deals?

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Jason,

    This is something our product team is still working on but we don't have any additional information to share at this time. We'll be sure to share more information here when it's available.


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