Announcing images in content blocks and a new image gallery

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  • Morgan King

    This is a fantastic release! Is there any idea on timing around removing the limitation with the last bullet and expanding the image gallery to articles?

  • 丽莎Sedlak

    Katarzyna Karpinska

    This is great!

    However, is there a way to left justify images? We justify all of our images in our articles and right now I can only add them centered.

  • Katarzyna Karpinska

    Morgan King, great to hear that you find it useful. We already started working on removing this limitation. I expect the release in early '23.

    丽莎Sedlak, not a straightforward one, but we'll be adding it at some point in the future.

  • Jessica Ison

    Katarzyna Karpinska+1 for expanding the image library across all articles. It would be great to get this released sooner than later - feels like a long time coming!


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