Allow follower replies to be public


  • Official comment
    Amisha Sharma

    HelloAlan Ford- Thanks for providing feedback. The setting does make the comment public but it still shows up as an internal note on Zendesk (because followers can only make internal notes) and that is definitely confusing. We will be looking into improving this behavior and experience. We will investigate further into this.

  • Riccardo Centomo

    HiAlan Ford

    maybe it depend if the follower is a light agent. The commenta of the light agent are always private note..

  • Alan Ford

    Hi Riccardo, all the agents involved are full agents. I've had some extensive support ticket with Zendesk and they have said that a follower replying by email will end up as a private note.

    In our world, all our agents are followers on all tickets, which should allow anyone to jump in and help on a ticket. But thanks to this behaviour, it does not, and email is now useless. Doubly so because in Zendesk's internal logic, followers supersede assignees so if a follower is also an assignee, their replies will also go out as private notes.

    We've had to abandon email altogether as a workflow due to this, which is hugely disappointing. Hence the request to have a setting to change behaviour.

  • Riccardo Centomo

    Alan Forddo you have checked this setting in your ZD account?:

    This chage the behavior of the ZD account

  • Alan Ford

    Yes I do. I also have "Make email comments from CCed end users public" set. Neither setting makes a difference, responses are still ending up as private notes. I was informed by Zendesk Support this is as intended but it clearly contradicts the behaviour as described in


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