Explore recipe: Filtering reports by business hours

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  • Greytip Online Help Desk

    我有same issue as Emma. Anyone figured this out yet? Zendesk team-Please advise. We didn't have to do this in Insights as we had set the working hours in the schedule. How can we get this working in Explore? We report out metrics like response and resolution time in business hours which in our case is 9:30 am to 6:30 pm.

  • Gab Guinto
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Vijayendra,

    If you have schedules set on your account, then your Explore should have both calendar and business hour metrics for First reply time and Full resolution time. You don't have to build custom metrics or attributes to measure these based on business hours; just select the business hours metrics when building your queries.

    Thanks Vijayendra!

  • Jonathan Lindsay


    I have tried to create a custom business hours metric, however when going to add it, there is not an attribute called "Calculated attributes" for me to select from.

    When trying to create the same metric, it says that the metric already exists implying that I have saved it correctly.

    Am I missing something here? Why wouldn't the "Calculated attributes" appear?

    Thank you in advance for your help!

  • Dainne Lucena
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Jonathan! You mentioned you created a custom metric. If you did create a metric then that is expected not to appear under Rows or Columns as an attribute. Custom metrics would only appear under Metrics. If you want to add that calculated attribute under Rows or Columns, then you'd need to create a Standard calculated attribute.

  • CJ Johnson

    It might be good to note that this only works if everyone who uses and loads the query is in the same timezone. On that note, is there any way to make this formula use a specific timezone, so that when I look at the report, and my coworker in France looks at the report, we see the report showing Monday-Friday 9-5 for France for both of us?

  • Andy Verner

    Similar to the default values for full resolve time, how can I create a custom metric that only counts business hours? I.e. I want to count all hours tickets were in an 'open' status for the last month, I can see it in calendar hours, but I want to see this in business hours. What's the best way to achieve this?

  • James Pellizzi

    Is there a way to track Outside of Business Hours?

  • Gab Guinto
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Andy,

    I'm afraid this is not possible. Only a few of the default metrics (like First reply time, Requester wait time, etc.) under the Tickets dataset are available in biz hours. The status time metrics under the Updates history dataset are only available in calendar hours. Unfortunately, we also do not have any published recipe or a user recommended workaround to calculate these metrics in business hours through custom metrics.
  • Gab Guinto
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi James,

    In the recipe above, the business hours are defined in the attribute formula. If you need to look for tickets created outside business hours, then you can filter the report using the custom attribute and select 'FALSE' under Selected.

    Alternatively, you can build your formula in such a way that TRUE points to the hours outside of your schedule; example, if your business hours is Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm, then you can formulate the condition as (IN([Ticket created - Day of week],ARRAY("Saturday", "Sunday"))) and (IN([Ticket created - Hour],ARRAY("0", "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","17","18","19","20","21","22","23"))).

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