Resolving issues when your credit card fails

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  • Peter Daniel

    hi why my card doesn t work wheni i m going to pay

  • Nicole Saunders
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Hi Peter -

    If the above article doesn't help you resolve the issue, you shouldContact Zendesk Support

  • Amin hiren
    Hello! Similarly, my team and I have tried to make the payment and they reject it, one of their executivesadvisedme, and I also contacted our bank issuer, who told me that the error came from the Zendesk platform. Can you support me please?
  • Nicole Saunders
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Hi Amin,

    We are unable to assist with billing issues in the Help Center, as it would require you sharing account-specific information in a publicly visible forum.

    与所有计费问题寻求帮助,pleaseContact Zendesk Support.

  • Bibi Boucher

    Unfortunately contacting zendesk support is not taken seriously and any issues you have regarding invoicing and billing is only allocated to your account manager who ignores you if you have any complaints regarding service received.

  • Dave Dyson

    Hi Bernadine,

    I'm sorry you're having a frustrating experience – I can assure you that your open ticket with our support team and your billing-related ticket are being worked on by our teams. I'll keep an eye on them and make sure you get a response on both tickets.

  • Venio Systems

    We notice that our payment has been declined due to some restriction to our card payment.

    Hence, we would like to initiate the payment through ACH, could you please share the Bank details to initiate the payment

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Hey Raju,

    I'm going to bring this into a ticket so our Finance team can work with you on this.

    You'll receive an email shortly stating your ticket has been created.


  • Credit Clear

    I need an option for Net Banking so I can pay the annual fee manually as my previous card has expired and there are some issues about issuing a new card with that particular bank.

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Credit Clear,

    It looks like you have a ticket open with our Finance team regarding this issue. They will follow up with you via email to get this resolved.

  • Ae

    Hi i

    I would like to know more, if I proceed with adding a credit card then will the system process payment to my entire Invoice?

    (i mean new invoice and old invoice)

    Thank you for your help.

  • Cheeny Aban
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Jeddirok,

    Once you update your card, the system will only charge you for what is due. More information about billing can be found here:Billing FAQ and resources
  • john neck

    I would like to know more, if I proceed with adding a credit card then will the system process payment to my entire Invoice?

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey John,

    Once you update your payment information the credit card will automatically be charged for the full invoice. This can typically take up to a day or two for the payment to go through.

    Hope this clears up any confusion!
  • SafetyTek Support Team

    Ironically, Zendesk customer support is absolutely horrible. How do I not click through thousands of articles attempting to find what I'm searching for?

  • Sandra Bolivar

    Cordial greeting... I would appreciate it if you could tell me if the annuity payment can be made in two installments? ... Thank you

  • Rheyna

    My zendesks account has expired, the agent says that the account executive will contact me soon but until now, no one has reached me.

  • Rheyna

    One agent says that the Renewals team will email me, but I have been waiting for 6 weeks now and no one contacted me.

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Rheyna,

    It looks like you have a ticket open with our Finance team and they followed up with you yesterday. They will continue working with you in that ticket to get this issue resolved.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
  • Steff

    Our multibrand Zendesk account was just suddenly closed due to a billing issue from a YEAR AGO. We were unaware that there had been an issue all this time, we just woke up one day to find that our entire account had been closed down without a warning.

    We've been trying to reach out to get Zendesk to get the invoice reissued so we can just pay it, but the most we've gotten was a chat agent telling us their colleague is working on it, then they closed the chat and merged the ticket.

    This was yesterday. Our entire support system for multiple brands has been down for over 24 hours, because it seems Zendesk does not take us seriously.

    We've been customers for over 5 years and this is the treatment we get?

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Steff,

    Sorry to hear that your account was canceled without notice. I did some digging and it looks like you have a ticket open with our Finance team regarding this issue. They'll follow up with you shortly to get this all sorted out. If there's anything else I can help with in the meantime please let me know!

    Appreciate you bringing this to our attention and apologies for any inconvenice this has caused on your end.
  • Steff

    Thanks, Brett. Zendesk had been great to work with in the early years, we really felt valued as clients, but things seem to have taken a nosedive recently (and not just with this one incident).

    And today we learned from our bank that the issue Zendesk is closing our account for was already solved. The paymentdidgo through. So Zendesk has just caused us a lot of damage to our business and cost us what is now three days of service because someone spotted an anomaly a year after it happened and did not bother to check documentation properly, or to even check with us.

    Whenever we request changes to our account, whether it be billing or otherwise, Zendesk is so agonizingly slow to respond (took us a month to get our billing changed, because the first time we reached out we were just ignored and the ticket was closed). But for cases like this we get a lightning fast knee-jerk reaction. It's not a good look for a company and brand who is supposed to be all about customer service.

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Steff,

    Totally understand where you're coming from and this is extremely valuable feedback for us. There's been a lot of moving pieces starting the new year and appreciate you taking the time to share this with us. While I can't do anything to remedy the issues that you've come across up to this point, I will be passing your feedback over to the appropriate teams so they're aware and we can make improvements on our end.

    If there's anything else I can assist with in the meantime please let me know as I'm happy to help further.

    Thanks again for your patience and sharing your frustrations with us!
  • Trevor Evans

    Hi, can someone assist me as a matter or priority.

    February 2023 my card expired, so as before went to update the details. no joy as the page just hung ( safari ). tried other browsers, Chrome and Edge, same results.

    early March Zendesk extended my licence without resolving the issue, which was helpful.

    further conversations took place and eventually I was asked to send the HAR files from Google. this was then confirmed there was an issue with the Zendesk payment systems.

    I have been in constant contact with support, offering to pay over the phone knowing that one day they will probably deny access. well yesterday was that day and at present we do not have access to the platform. there are still no actual failure messages in the safari or chrome browsers, but I noticed yesterday there is now a message in Edge.

    well clearly your account won't remain active. this could not happen at a worse time so close to end of month billing with our clients.

    I have asked that our service is switched back on while they resolve this, but it is falling on deaf ears. my last update from Support;

    at present we still do not have access to support or any method of escalating this.

    if someone picks this up I need access to the systems ASAP.

  • Nicole Saunders
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Hi Trevor, I checked your account and it looks like you have now resolved things, but please let us know if you need any further assistance.

  • Kacey Zeccola
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Hi Hank,

    I have created a ticket for you to resolve this issue - you should be hearing from our team shortly.


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