Creating a notification to identify tickets that are stuck at the back of the queue due to no SLA being applied


  • Hillary Latham

    Thanks Chandra! We have the issue with SLAs not triggering and now I know why!

  • Chandra Robrock
    Community Moderator
    Most Helpful - 2021

    @...Of course! I'm thrilled to hear that you found this post to be helpful. :)

  • Rudolph Beaton

    Woah, crazy timing on this! I actually implemented steps 1 & 2 last week before this article was written. I was having some trouble figuring out the solution provided in step 3, so I appreciate the detailed guide!

    Thanks, Chandra!


  • Chandra Robrock
    Community Moderator
    Most Helpful - 2021

    @...What timing! I'm so happy to hear that this helped you get this implementation across the finish line.

  • Monica

    Thanks for this article! Excited to try it out. Tickets without an SLA are a big hurdle to organizing views how I'd ideally like to organize them.

  • Chandra Robrock
    Community Moderator
    Most Helpful - 2021

    MonicaAgree completely! I love sorting views based on the Next SLA Breach column. Excited to hear how your team likes this solution once implemented.

  • Oliver Tietze

    Thanks for this sophisticated solution!

    一个问题,我有记住特定的automation can only fire once per specific ticket. Obviousle I'm remembering this wrong, because your solution won't work twice on the same ticket. But can you confirm it does? So I'll happily adjust my brain and even more happily start identifying SLA-orphaned tickets!

    Thanks so much!

  • Chandra Robrock
    Community Moderator
    Most Helpful - 2021

    Excellent question,@...! Automations must contain either a condition that is true only once or an action that nullifies at least one of the conditions.

    In this case, I'm using the latter option which means this automation can run more than once should the ticket get stuck in the back of the queue once more. More detailed information on how I'm doing that below:

    In the actual automation, I'm adding astuck_notification_senttag when this automation fires. Under the Conditions section. I'm then looking for tickets that match the criteria but do not already have thestuck_notification_senttag. The action of adding tag nullifies that tag condition and prevents this automation from firing in an endless loop. Zendesk should show an error in the UI if you were to try to save this automation without that nullifying criteria.

    To get this automation to run for future ticket updates, you'll need to remove thestuck_notification_senttag (in addition to theactive_sla_tickettag that we added for some tickets in Step 1). I'm automatically removing both thestuck_notification_senttag as well as theactive_sla_tickettag via the trigger in Step 3 after the agent's next public comment. That way, if that ticket reopens, the entire process will start over again depending on whether the latest ticket update has an active SLA target or not.

    Let me know if you have any questions about that! I use that type of nullifying tag logic in several of my automations as it's a pretty handy trick.


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