A Fail state ends a ZIS flow with an error.

"Logs.Failed":{"Type":"Fail","Error":"Failed to post Slack message.","Cause":"Failed to post message to Slack channel: {{$.settings.channel}}. Channel not found. Ensure the channel exists."}

Supported properties

A Fail state supports theTypeandCommentproperties fromcommon state properties. The state also supports the following properties.

Name Type Mandatory Description
Error string true Developer-defined name for the error
Cause string true Developer-defined error message. Used in integration logs. See日志错误一个失败的国家

ErrorandCauseproperty values supportreference pathsandpath placeholders.


If a ZIS flow ends on a Fail state, ZIS logs an error in theintegration logs. The error's description includes the state'sCause.

You can use theCausevalue to provide troubleshooting tips for the error.

Important:Don't include secrets or sensitive information in theCausevalue. Integration logs are accessible to all admins for the Zendesk account.