Sharing and publishing dashboards

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  • Kok Cheong Khoo

    Hi Support Team,

    我用Zendesk支持亚博专业like to share my dashboard with Light Agents. However, after I had set the Explore Default Role as "Viewer" and shared the dashboard to the Light Agents, they are not able to see the dashboard (showed blank page).

    Can you advise me?

  • Bart


    Is there a way to filter dashboards / queries where they have been publicly shared. Sometimes we need to update the password when a business changes staff and they need to remove the option for that person to have access to it.

    Would be great if there was a filter for it:

  • Rob Stack
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    HiBart, I don't think there's currently a way to do what you want. However, I think it's a great suggestion so do consider adding it to our feedback section -!

  • Edwin Schukking

    Hi Support Team,

    I am wondering the same thing as@...mentionedearlier. Any update on this?

  • Dave Dyson


    I'm sorry to say that the ability to share Explore dashboards with Light Agents is only available at the Support or Suite Enterprise level:

    Giving agents access with Support Enterprise custom roles

    and see the Reports entry here:Understanding what light agents can do

    I can understand that this would be frustrating if you've paid for Light Agent access via the Collaboration Add-on, so it's probably worth bringing this up with your account manager, and/or submitted a post in ourSupport Product Feedback forum.

  • italerts

    Hi and thanks for elaborating on this.

    I think it is better to mention that in order to publish a dashboard, you first need to edit the dashboard and then from the Share tab on the top right side you can select to publish.


  • Monica

    The automated emails that include a link to the dashboard are set to http rather than https which is causing some confusion with security. Are there plans to update these to https in the links themselves rather?

  • Rob Stack
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    HiMonica, thanks for this great feedback. I'm going to open this as a ticket as I'd like to bring it to the direct attention of the product team, Thank you, you should hear something from us soon!

  • Vladimir Petrushenka

    hi@...what are the automated emails? Is this just the invite to view a dashboard after it was shared? Or is there a way to schedule a DB link to be sent?


  • Monica

    When a dashboard is shared, the person receives an email. The email contains a button that says view dashboard. The link that the button directs to begins http

  • Reshma Patel

    Couple of feedback items from us related to dashboard sharing

    1. 需要有一种方法来选择所有如果我们希望to publish a dashboard to all groups. We currently have over 350 groups and having to select each manually is unreasonable for publishing out enterprise wide reports
    2. There should be a way to disable the send an email functionality. We do not want to spam all users with an email each time an enterprise dashboard is made visible, it should be optional whether or not we want to send the email.
    3. The email that gets sent out when sharing a dashboard should be customizable.
    4. It would be great if we can share a report based on role. IE if we have agent activity report, we may want to share that with anyone that has an agent role, or if we have a CSAT report we may want to share that with a team lead role.
  • Kincy Clark

    What Reshma said^^^ - i get a LOT of complaints (and questions) every time I share a dashboard, i end up spamming 100+ people . I'd be happy with an on/off switch.

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Reshma -

    Would you mind adding your feedback to ourFeedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore) , using our Product Feedback Post Template
    to format your input? Then others like Kincy can upvote and add their use cases as well. Thanks!
  • Reshma Patel

    Kincy Clark- upvote here:

    @...I created a new post, but the format didn't make sense as it would have to split up all the requests, so I left that piece as is.

  • Dave Dyson
    Thanks Reshma!
  • Mark Wiles

    I see that when I share a dashboard with a Contributor, the user in the Contributor role receives an automated email. This is not a scheduled dashboard delivery, just a simple share. Is there a way I can edit or brand that automated email to them? Thanks!

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Mark,

    Unfortunately, there's not currently a way to do that. If you'd like, please post to ourFeedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore) topic, with as much detail as you can provide about your use case, so others can upvote and comment on your post. Thanks!
  • Grete Andersson

    Hi, is there a way to share one dashboard tab to a specific agent? We would like to share CSAT reports with the agents regularly, but would rather that Agent A only can view his/hers own CSAT reports.

    Do we today have to make one dashboard per agent in that case? Or is there a possibility to within the dashboard only give visibility so that Agent A can only view Explore tab 1; Agent B can only view Explore tab 2 etc?

    Or is there a possibility to lock a certain filtration in the dashboard per agent and automatically share that from Explore?

  • Elaine
    Zendesk Customer Care


    At the moment, there is no way to share one dashboard tab with a specific agent only to see his/her individual performance.

    I have seen community posts from our other customers mentioning this as a feature request (see links to the posts below):

    You can check them out and upvote them or you can create your own post to ourFeedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore)topic.

    Specific examples, details about impact, and how you currently handle things are helpful for our product teams to understand the full scope of the need when working on solutions.

    Stay safe!

  • Kathy Reynolds

    为什么我不能保存和发布与过滤器我美吗ply when I create a dashboard?

  • Dipesh Dave
    Hey Kathy,

    Dipesh here from the Premier Team! You should be able to publish a dashboard with filter on then within Zendesk Explore.

    For example when you create the dashboard - you only need to click thePublishoption to save it.

    Then when you leave the dashboard page - you should still see it visible under the Dashboards Library page.

    Let me know if you're having any issues with a specific dashboard and I can assume into the account to take a closer look!

  • Jason Lee

    Hi. To whom it may concern. Loving the Beta dashboard builder, really simplifies the process an time investment into building dashboards. Is there and ETA when a bug free iteration will be released. Really struggling with the publish Dashboard option. Once Published, you can't go back an make changes and then re-publish those changes. So I can vie my changes in the edit mode, but the recipients who I have shared the dashboard with, can't view my changes?I?s there a known workaround for this, or any eta when or if this is going to be resolved in the

    beta dashboard builder? Many Thanks

  • Aaron Phillips

    When I go to share my dashboard, regardless of whether or not the agents is an Explore viewer or account admin, the checkbox next to their name does not appear. Effectively, I can't share my dashboard with anyone. How do I fix this?

  • Christine Diego
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Jason Lee,

    There is an edit option on the left hand side panel on the beta dashboard builder

  • Rolf

    Is there a way to share a dashboard without having it send an email?

  • Noly Maron Unson
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Rolf,

    It is not possible to share a dashboard and not send an email at this moment. Users you've shared with will always receive an email invitation to view your dashboard.

    Hope it helps.

  • Matilda Van Duyvendyk

    The canned dashboards with the growth plan are not serving our business needs in terms of KPIs - they do not allow for any of our custom field configuration to be mined. These details are a feature we use extensively and yet cannot derive any information from them. Are there any plans on improving this resource to be more intuitive?

    Additionally - reporting from the preset dashboards is not populating correctly.
    We have fields that are present in explore populating that are without any explanation.
    See image.

  • Salim Cheurfi
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Matilda,
    As your comment is specific to your plan, I am opening a ticket on your behalf so we can continue the conversation by email.


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