Workflow recipe: How can restricted agents assign tickets to agents outside of their groups?

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  • Omair Ahmed

    Oh Wow - it's a lovely thing to have; thanks for creating an article .... additionally, it would've been even better if there's an if-else option here in a single trigger.

    e.g. if Escalate to field is Tier-2 then assign to Tier-2 group

    or if Escalate to field is Tier-3 then assign to Tier-3 group.

    I have 10 different groups and have restrictions for everyone, and I have to create 10 triggers which'll only create noise in my triggers section (though I'm fully using the categories) but still it'll be a good addition. (not sure it's already there! )

  • SYNETIQ Limited

    How do we get this to work with Chat?

  • Jason Schaeffer
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Kris,

    The tickets crested via Chat would follow the same pattern as the support tickets and the workaround would work for those as well. If you are referring to transferring a live chat as it occurs you can follow the below steps:

    Transferring Chats

    I hope that helps!

  • Marsy

    Can we change the word error or leave it blank with just the verbiage notification? The word error indicates something was done incorrectly

  • Jason Schaeffer
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Marsy,

    Can you advise in what context you mean regarding the error message? Is this when an agent is attempting to view a ticket outside of their group?

  • Marsy

    Hello Jason,

    If I restrict an agent to view tickets within their group, they are unable to reassign a ticket to a group they are not part of. While I do not want them to view the ticket after it has been reassigned, I want them to be able to reassign to groups they are not part of.

  • Jason Schaeffer
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Marsy,

    Unfortunately those permissions work hand in hand. So the only workaround would be using a custom field in conjunction with a Trigger as outlined in the steps above to get the ticket reassigned to the correct group.

  • Antal Clavel

    so, I've followed step 1 and step 2 to the letter, but it is not working for me. How can I validate which condition is not met?

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering

    In order to investigate further, I'll create a ticket for you. Please wait for my update via email and let's continue our conversation there.
  • Denver CB

    Hi everyone,

    This is quite useful, thank you. I just wanted to understand better how this solution behaves:

    1.如果我是A组的一部分,我有一个12票3 for which I need someone from Group B to do something first before I can complete ticket 123, I create child ticket 456, which will then get assigned to Group B via the trigger.

    2. I need to know when Group B have completed doing ticket 456. Will I be able to see any updates despite the fact the the ticket is assigned to someone outside my group?

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Denver,

    You'll be notified of any updates as long as you are the requester on the side conversation/child ticket created. You can also access it as long as the requester field has not been changed. I tested it on my end. You can access it via the side conversation tab or click the actual ticket number.


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