This API lets you manage and interact with Zendesk apps. All actions from these endpoints are recorded in the Audit Log console of the affected Zendesk Sell account.

To learn more about the process of creating and managing apps using the Apps REST API described on this page, seeCreating and managing private apps

JSON format

Apps are represented as JSON objects with the following properties:

Name Type Read-only Mandatory Description
author_email string true false The app author's email
author_name string true false The app author's name
categories array true false The categories that the app belongs to
created_at string true false When the app was created
default_locale string true false The default locale for translations for the app
featured boolean true false Whether the app is featured in the Zendesk Marketplace
framework_version string true false The app framework version for which the app was written
id integer true false The id of the app
installable boolean true false Whether the app can be installed
installation_instructions string true false Instructions for installing the app
large_icon string true false The URL of the large icon for the app
long_description string true false The app's long description in the marketplace
name string true false The name of the app
owner_id integer true false The app developer id corresponding to the app
parameters array true false The parameters for the app
promoted boolean true false Whether the app is a promoted app in the Zendesk Marketplace
rating object true false The ratings of the app
raw_installation_instructions string true false The raw installation instructions
raw_long_description string true false The raw long description for the app in the marketplace
screenshots array true false Screenshots for the app when displayed in the Zendesk Marketplace
short_description string true false The short description of the app in the marketplace
single_install boolean true false If true, an account can only have one installation of the app at a time
small_icon string true false The URL of the small icon for the app
updated_at string true false When the app was last updated
version string true false The version of the app
visibility string true false The app is a private app which is only visible to your account, or a public app. An example value is "private".


{"author_email":"[email protected]","author_name":"Zendesk User","categories":[],"created_at":"2012-05-14T22:28:18Z","default_locale":"en","featured":false,"framework_version":"1.0","id":12345,"installable":true,"installation_instructions":"","large_icon":"/api/sell/apps/12345/assets/logo.png","long_description":"","name":"Bookmarks","owner_id":1,"parameters":[{"app_id":12345,"created_at":"2012-06-14T17:31:08Z","default_value":null,"id":21,"kind":"text","name":"name","position":0,"required":true,"secure":true,"updated_at":"2012-06-14T17:31:08Z"}],“提升”:false,"rating":{"average":3,"count":{"1":2,"2":2,"3":2,"4":2,"5":2},"total_count":10},"raw_installation_instructions":null,"raw_long_description":null,"screenshots":[],"short_description":null,“single_install”:true,"small_icon":"/api/sell/apps/12345/assets/logo-small.png","updated_at":"2014-01-21T00:32:03Z","version":"1.0","visibility":"private"}

List All Apps

  • GET /api/sell/apps

Lists private apps and public apps available in Zendesk Sell.

Allowed for

  • Admins

Using curl


Example response

Status200OK{"apps":[{"author_email":"[email protected]","author_name":"Zendesk User","categories":[],"created_at":"2012-05-14T22:28:18Z","default_locale":"en","featured":false,"framework_version":"1.0","id":12345,"installable":true,"installation_instructions":"","large_icon":"/api/sell/apps/12345/assets/logo.png","long_description":"","name":"Bookmarks","owner_id":1,"parameters":[{"app_id":12345,"created_at":"2012-06-14T17:31:08Z","default_value":null,"id":21,"kind":"text","name":"name","position":0,"required":true,"secure":true,"updated_at":"2012-06-14T17:31:08Z"}],“提升”:false,"rating":{"average":3,"count":{"1":2,"2":2,"3":2,"4":2,"5":2},"total_count":10},"raw_installation_instructions":null,"raw_long_description":null,"screenshots":[],"short_description":null,“single_install”:true,"small_icon":"/api/sell/apps/12345/assets/logo-small.png","updated_at":"2014-01-21T00:32:03Z","version":"1.0","visibility":"private"}]}

Create App

  • POST /api/apps

Adds a build of an app to the job queue.

You must specify anupload_idin the post payload to this endpoint in order to specify the uploaded app package to use for the build. SeeUpload App Package.

The response contains ajob_idto check the status of the build. SeeGet Job Status.

Allowed for

  • Admins

Using curl

curlhttps://{subdomain}\-d'{"name":"My App", "short_description":"My App description", "upload_id":"123"}'\-H"Content-Type: application/json"-X POST\-u{email_address}:{password}

Example response


List App Installations

  • GET /api/sell/apps/installations

Lists app installations in the Zendesk Sell account. In the response, theenabledproperty indicates whether the installed app is active in the product.

Allowed for

  • Agents

JSON format

App installations are represented as JSON objects with the following properties:

Name Type Read-only Mandatory Description
app_id integer false true id of the app
collapsible boolean true false If true, the app can be minimized in the Zendesk user interface (UI)
created_at string true false When the app installation was created
enabled boolean false false If true, the app installation is enabled
group_restrictions array of strings false false Group restrictions for the app installation
has_incomplete_subscription boolean true false 如果这是真的,这个应用程序安装的条纹付款子scription is incomplete
has_unpaid_subscription boolean true false 如果这是真的,这个应用程序安装的条纹付款子scription is unpaid
id integer true false id of the app installation
paid boolean true false If true, the app is a paid app
等待_installation boolean true false If true, the app installation is pending
等待_job_id string true false id for the app installation job. Seeapp requirements
plan_information object true false Information about the Stripe payment plan for the app installation
product string true false Zendesk product the app is installed on
recurring_payment boolean false false If true, the app installation has a recurring Stripe payment subscription
redirect_path boolean true false URL path used to redirect admins after installing the app in the Zendesk UI
role_restrictions array of strings false false Role restrictions for the app installation
servable boolean true false If true, user making the API request can use the app installation
settings object false true Installation settings for the app, formatted as a flat object
settings_objects array of objects false false Installation settings for the app, formatted as an array of objects
stripe_account string true false App developer's Stripe account id
stripe_publishable_key string true false Publishable key for the app developer's Stripe account
stripe_subscription_id string true false Stripe subscription id for the app installation
updated string true false When the app was last updated
updated_at string true false When the app installation was last updated


You can passinclude=appas a parameter to side-load the app object associated with each installation.


Using curl


Example response

Status200OK{"installations":[{"app_id":218618,"collapsible":true,"created_at":"2020-06-11T06:12:48Z","enabled":true,"group_restrictions":[],"has_incomplete_subscription":false,"has_unpaid_subscription":null,"id":361234573552,"paid":null,"pending_installation":true,"pending_job_id":"587986abda901cde3873697585091dab","plan_information":{"name":null},"product":"sell","recurring_payment":false,"redirect_path":"/sell/apps/manage","role_restrictions":null,"servable":true,"settings":{"attachment_tag":"has_attachment","blocklist":null,"items_per_page":"6","name":"Attachment Manager","new_attachment_tag":"has_new_attachment","title":"Attachment Manager","allowlist":null},"settings_objects":[{"name":"attachment_tag","value":"has_attachment"},{"name":"blocklist","value":null},{"name":"items_per_page","value":"6"},{"name":"name","value":"Attachment Manager"},{"name":"new_attachment_tag","value":"has_new_attachment"},{"name":"title","value":"Attachment Manager"},{"name":"allowlist","value":null}],"stripe_account":"acct_1CyabcGO5FKrIYc5","stripe_subscription_id":null,"stripe_publishable_key":"pk_live_zMw5abcdYBbd6axDbyrzrRl9","updated":"20200305221223","updated_at":"2020-06-11T06:12:48Z"}]}

Install App

  • POST /api/sell/apps/installations

Installs an app in the Zendesk Sell account.

You must provide theapp_idand asettingsobject containing properties for all required parameters for the app. You can use theList All Appsendpoint to get the id of the app you want to install.

Installation settings

All apps support the "name" installation setting. App developers can define other installation settings using the app's manifest file. For more information about defining installation settings, seeDefining installation settings.

You specify installation setting values using thesettingsorsettings_objectsproperties.settingsformats the settings as a flat object.settings_objectsformats the settings as an array of objects.

You must specify at least one installation setting value insettings. If you specify a setting value in bothsettingsandsettings_objects, only the value insettingsis used.

App requirements

If the app hasrequirements, the API response includes a job id you can use to poll the installation status. SeeGet Requirements Install Status. Example:

{"id":16,"app_id":82,"settings":{"title":"100 requirements API app"},"enabled":false,"updated":"20141209034341","pending_installation":true,"pending_job_id":"648c47b0618d01326d443c15c2bba27e"}

Disabling apps on installation

By default, apps are enabled upon installation. To install an app and immediately disable it, pass"enabled": falsein the install request.

Allowed for

  • Admins

Using curl

curlhttps://{subdomain}\-d'{"app_id": "225", "settings": {"name": "Helpful App", "api_token": "53xjt93n6tn4321p", "use_ssl": true}}'\-H"Content-Type: application/json"-X POST\-u{email_address}:{password}

Example response

Status201Created{"app_id":218618,"collapsible":true,"created_at":"2020-06-11T06:12:48Z","enabled":true,"group_restrictions":[],"has_incomplete_subscription":false,"has_unpaid_subscription":null,"id":361234573552,"paid":null,"pending_installation":true,"pending_job_id":"587986abda901cde3873697585091dab","plan_information":{"name":null},"product":"sell","recurring_payment":false,"redirect_path":"/sell/apps/manage","role_restrictions":null,"servable":true,"settings":{"attachment_tag":"has_attachment","blocklist":null,"items_per_page":"6","name":"Attachment Manager","new_attachment_tag":"has_new_attachment","title":"Attachment Manager","allowlist":null},"settings_objects":[{"name":"attachment_tag","value":"has_attachment"},{"name":"blocklist","value":null},{"name":"items_per_page","value":"6"},{"name":"name","value":"Attachment Manager"},{"name":"new_attachment_tag","value":"has_new_attachment"},{"name":"title","value":"Attachment Manager"},{"name":"allowlist","value":null}],"stripe_account":"acct_1CyabcGO5FKrIYc5","stripe_subscription_id":null,"stripe_publishable_key":"pk_live_zMw5abcdYBbd6axDbyrzrRl9","updated":"20200305221223","updated_at":"2020-06-11T06:12:48Z"}

Get Requirements Install Status

  • GET /api/sell/apps/installations/job_statuses/{job_id}

If a job has kicked off toinstall an appand the app hasrequirements, this endpoint returns the status of the requirements installation. The job id is supplied in the response to the app installation request.

If thestatusis "completed", the installation has been created successfully with its requirements, and is available for use.

If thestatusis "failed" check the message for the reason.

If you're constantly getting the same error message and the error message isn't clear, try installing the app with the Zendesk Sell user interface. SeeUploading and installing your private app in Zendesk Sell.

Allowed for

  • Admins

JSON format

Installation job statuses are represented as JSON objects with the following properties:

Name Type Read-only Mandatory Comment
id string yes no Automatically assigned when job is queued
url string yes no The URL to poll for status updates
total integer yes no 这个工作任务的总数是批处理用力推ough
progress integer yes no Number of completed tasks
status string yes no "queued", "working", "failed", "completed", "killed"
message string yes no Message from the job worker, if any
installation_id integer yes no Unique id of the installation


Name Type In Required Description
job_id integer Path true The id of the job

Using curl


Example response

Status200OK{"id":"fa8cac3098","installation_id":16,"message":"Completed at 2013-05-06 15:02:40 +1000","progress":100,"status":"completed","total":100,"url":"https://{subdomain}"}

Show App Installation

  • GET /api/sell/apps/installations/{app_installation_id}

Retrieves information about the specified app installation available in Zendesk Sell, including the installation settings.

Allowed for

  • Agents

JSON format

The Show App Installation endpoint doesn't return anapp installationobject. Instead, the endpoint returns a JSON object with the following properties:

Name Type Read-only Mandatory Description
agent_count integer true false Billable agent count for the app. For free apps, returns0
app_id integer true false id of the app
app_installation_count integer true false Deprecated. Returns null
author_email string true false The app author's email
email string true false Email of the Zendesk Sell account owner
framework_versions object true false App framework version
group_restrictions array of strings true false Group restrictions for the app installation
has_custom_object_requirements boolean true false If true, the app requires custom object types or custom object relationship types
has_incomplete_subscription boolean true false If true, the app installation's payment subscription is incomplete
has_oauth_client boolean true false If true, the app uses an OAuth client
has_unpaid_subscription boolean true false If true, the app installation's payment subscription is unpaid
id integer true false id of the app installation
installed_at string true false When the app was installed
locale string true false Current user locale
locations array of objects true false Locations where the app appears or runs in the Sell user interface
marketing_only boolean true false If true, the app is anintegration app
new_installation boolean true false If true, installation is still in progress
obsolete boolean true false If true, the app is obsolete
paid boolean true false If true, the app is a paid app
plan_id string true false Stripe plan id for the installation
require_category_terms boolean true false If true, the app is in a Zendesk Marketplace category that requires terms
require_oauth_subdomain boolean true false If true, the app requires a subdomain setting for OAuth authentication
role_restrictions array of strings true false Role restrictions for the app installation
settings array of objects true false Settings for the app
supports_group_restrictions boolean true false If true, the app supports group restrictions
supports_role_restrictions boolean true false If true, the app supports role restrictions
third_party_paid boolean true false If true, the app is a paid app that isn't owned by Zendesk
version string true false Version of the app
zendesk_labs_license_url string true false Deprecated. Returns null


Name Type In Required Description
app_installation_id integer Path true The id of the app installation

Using curl


Example response

Status200OK{"installation":{"agent_count":0,"app_id":218618,"app_installation_count":null,"author_email":"[email protected]","email":"[email protected]","framework_versions":{"current":"2.0","version":"2.0"},"group_restrictions":[],"has_custom_object_requirements":false,"has_incomplete_subscription":false,"has_oauth_client":false,"has_unpaid_subscription":null,"id":361234573552,"installed_at":"2023-01-05T15:25:16Z","locale":"en-US-x-1","locations":[{"name":"deal_card","visible":true}],"marketing_only":false,"new_installation":false,"obsolete":false,"paid":null,"plan_id":null,"require_category_terms":false,"require_oauth_subdomain":false,"role_restrictions":[],"settings":[{"attachment_tag":"has_attachment","blocklist":null,"items_per_page":"6","name":"Attachment Manager","new_attachment_tag":"has_new_attachment","title":"Attachment Manager","allowlist":null}],"supports_group_restrictions":false,"supports_role_restrictions":false,“third_party_paid”:false,"version":"1.0.0","zendesk_labs_license_url":null}}

Update App Installation

  • PUT /api/sell/apps/installations/{app_installation_id}

Updates the specified installation. Use theList App Installationsendpoint to get the installation id.

Allowed for

  • Admins


Name Type In Required Description
app_installation_id integer Path true The id of the app installation

Using curl

curlhttps://{subdomain}{app_installation_id}.json\-d'{"settings": {"name": "Helpful App - Updated", "api_token": "659323ngt4ut9an"}}'\-H"Content-Type: application/json"-X PUT\-u{email_address}:{password}

Example response

Status200OK{"app_id":218618,"collapsible":true,"created_at":"2020-06-11T06:12:48Z","enabled":true,"group_restrictions":[],"has_incomplete_subscription":false,"has_unpaid_subscription":null,"id":361234573552,"paid":null,"pending_installation":true,"pending_job_id":"587986abda901cde3873697585091dab","plan_information":{"name":null},"product":"sell","recurring_payment":false,"redirect_path":"/sell/apps/manage","role_restrictions":null,"servable":true,"settings":{"attachment_tag":"has_attachment","blocklist":null,"items_per_page":"6","name":"Attachment Manager","new_attachment_tag":"has_new_attachment","title":"Attachment Manager","allowlist":null},"settings_objects":[{"name":"attachment_tag","value":"has_attachment"},{"name":"blocklist","value":null},{"name":"items_per_page","value":"6"},{"name":"name","value":"Attachment Manager"},{"name":"new_attachment_tag","value":"has_new_attachment"},{"name":"title","value":"Attachment Manager"},{"name":"allowlist","value":null}],"stripe_account":"acct_1CyabcGO5FKrIYc5","stripe_subscription_id":null,"stripe_publishable_key":"pk_live_zMw5abcdYBbd6axDbyrzrRl9","updated":"20200305221223","updated_at":"2020-06-11T06:12:48Z"}

Remove App Installation

  • DELETE /api/sell/apps/installations/{app_installation_id}

Removes an installed app from Zendesk Sell. Use theList App Installationsendpoint to get the installation id.

Allowed for

  • Admins


Name Type In Required Description
app_installation_id integer Path true The id of the app installation

Using curl

curlhttps://{subdomain}{app_installation_id}.json\-u{email_address}:{password}-X DELETE

Example response

Status 204 No Content

Get job status

  • GET /api/sell/apps/job_statuses/{job_status_id}

Gets the application build job status. You must provide the job id returned when the job was created.

When the job status is 'completed', the app has been built successfully. You can proceed to install the app using the app id in the response. SeeInstall App.

If the status is 'failed', check the message for the reason.

If you're constantly getting the same error message and the error message isn't clear, try creating the app through the Zendesk Sell user interface before contacting support. SeeUploading and installing your private app in Zendesk Sell.

Allowed for

  • Admins

JSON format

App creation job statuses have the following attributes:

Name Type Read-only Mandatory Comment
id string yes no Automatically assigned when the job is queued
url string yes no The URL to poll for status updates
app_id integer yes no The id of the app created by this job, if it exists
total integer yes no 这个工作任务的总数是批处理用力推ough
progress integer yes no Number of tasks completed
status string yes no One of "queued", "working", "failed", "completed", "killed"
message string yes no Message from the job worker, if any
retry_in integer yes no Number of seconds after which you may re-check status


Name Type In Required Description
job_status_id integer Path true The id of the job

Using curl


Example response

Status200OK{"app_id":123,"app_url":"https://{subdomain}","id":"fa8cac3098330130f49c14109fd02dfb","message":"Completed at 2013-05-06 15:02:40 +1000","progress":126,"retry_in":3,"status":"completed","total":126,"url":"https://{subdomain}"}

List Owned Apps

  • GET /api/sell/apps/owned

Lists apps owned by the current Zendesk Sell account.

Allowed for

  • Admins


Thecategoriesandparameters自动化对象lly side-loaded with each app object. However, you can exclude them from the response. Example:


Using curl


Example response

Status200OK{"apps":[{"author_email":"[email protected]","author_name":"Zendesk User","categories":[],"created_at":"2012-05-14T22:28:18Z","default_locale":"en","featured":false,"framework_version":"1.0","id":12345,"installable":true,"installation_instructions":"","large_icon":"/api/sell/apps/12345/assets/logo.png","long_description":"","name":"Bookmarks","owner_id":1,"parameters":[{"app_id":12345,"created_at":"2012-06-14T17:31:08Z","default_value":null,"id":21,"kind":"text","name":"name","position":0,"required":true,"secure":true,"updated_at":"2012-06-14T17:31:08Z"}],“提升”:false,"rating":{"average":3,"count":{"1":2,"2":2,"3":2,"4":2,"5":2},"total_count":10},"raw_installation_instructions":null,"raw_long_description":null,"screenshots":[],"short_description":null,“single_install”:true,"small_icon":"/api/sell/apps/12345/assets/logo-small.png","updated_at":"2014-01-21T00:32:03Z","version":"1.0","visibility":"private"}]}

Upload App Package

  • POST /api/sell/apps/uploads

Uploads a new app package to Zendesk Sell.

Use the returned upload id tocreateorupdatethe app in the Zendesk Sell instance.

Allowed for

  • Admins

Using curl

If you run the curl command in the app root folder where youpackaged the app, the file path for theuploaded_dataattribute should look as follows:[email protected]/

curlhttps://{subdomain}\-Fuploaded_data=@/path/to/app_zip_file -X POST\-u{email_address}:{password}

Example response


Get Information About App

  • GET /api/sell/apps/{app_id}

Retrieves information about the specified app accessible to the current user and Zendesk Sell account.

Allowed for

  • Everyone


Name Type In Required Description
app_id integer Path true The id of the app to retrieve

Using curl

curlhttps://{subdomain}{app_id}.json\-v -u{email_address}:{password}

Example response

Status200OK{"author_email":"[email protected]","author_name":"Zendesk User","categories":[],"created_at":"2012-05-14T22:28:18Z","default_locale":"en","featured":false,"framework_version":"1.0","id":12345,"installable":true,"installation_instructions":"","large_icon":"/api/sell/apps/12345/assets/logo.png","long_description":"","name":"Bookmarks","owner_id":1,"parameters":[{"app_id":12345,"created_at":"2012-06-14T17:31:08Z","default_value":null,"id":21,"kind":"text","name":"name","position":0,"required":true,"secure":true,"updated_at":"2012-06-14T17:31:08Z"}],“提升”:false,"rating":{"average":3,"count":{"1":2,"2":2,"3":2,"4":2,"5":2},"total_count":10},"raw_installation_instructions":null,"raw_long_description":null,"screenshots":[],"short_description":null,“single_install”:true,"small_icon":"/api/sell/apps/12345/assets/logo-small.png","updated_at":"2014-01-21T00:32:03Z","version":"1.0","visibility":"private"}

Update App

  • PUT /api/sell/apps/{app_id}

Adds a build of an existing app to the job queue.

You must provide the id of the app you want to update. Use theList Owned Apps端点的id。

You must also provide anupload_idto specify the uploaded app package to use for the build. SeeUpload App Package.

The response contains ajob_idto check the status of the build. SeeGet Job Status.

Allowed for

  • Admins


Name Type In Required Description
app_id integer Path true The id of the app to update

Using curl

curlhttps://{subdomain}{app_id}.json\-d'{"name":"My App", "short_description":"My App description", "upload_id":"123"}'\-H"Content-Type: application/json"-X PUT\-u{email_address}:{password}

Example response


Delete App

  • DELETE /api/sell/apps/{app_id}

Deletes the specified app and removes it from the My Apps page in Zendesk Sell.

Allowed for

  • Admins


Name Type In Required Description
app_id integer Path true The id of the app to delete

Using curl

curlhttps://{subdomain}{app_id}.json\-u{email_address}:{password}-X DELETE

Example response

Status 204 No Content