
Supported task attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id number Unique identifier of the task.
creator_id number Unique identifier of the user who created the task.
owner_id number Unique identifier of the user the task is assigned to.
completed boolean Indicator of whether the task is completed or not.
completed_at string Date and time of the task’s completion in UTC (ISO8601 format).
content string Content of the task.
resource_type string Name of the resource type the task is attached to.
resource_id number Unique identifier of the resource the task is attached to.
reminder_offset number Reminder offset from due_date in minutes.
due_date string Date and time on which task falls due in UTC (ISO8601 format).
created_at string Date and time of task creation in UTC (ISO8601 format).


Stream Tasks

Read the stream of task events.

See theFirehose Overviewarticle for more details on request and response formats and parameters.


GET /v3/tasks/stream


Read the stream of task events

GET /v3/tasks/stream?position=tailAccept: application/jsonAuthorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKENUser-Agent: $CLIENT_NAME