The Tasks API provides a simple interface to manage tasks. The API allows you to create, delete and update your tasks. You can retrieve a single task, as well as list of all tasks.

一个任务可以是floatingorrelated. Floating tasks are only associated with a user, whereasrelatedtasks are associated with one of listed resources:


Name Read Only Type Description
id true number Unique identifier of the task.
creator_id true number Unique identifier of the user who created the task.
owner_id false number Unique identifier of the user the task is assigned to.
resource_type false string Name of the resource type the task is attached to. Possible values:lead,contact,deal
resource_id false number Unique identifier of the resource the task is attached to.
completed false boolean Indicator of whether the task is completed or not.
completed_at true string Date and time of the task's completion in UTC (ISO8601 format).
due_date false string Date and time of creation in UTC (ISO8601 format).
overdue true boolean Indicator for whether the task has passed thedue_dateor not.
remind_at false string Date and time that we should send you a reminder in UTC (ISO8601 format).
content false string Content of the task.
created_at true string Date and time of task creation in UTC (ISO8601 format).
updated_at true string Date and time of the last update to the task in UTC (ISO8601 format).

Retrieve all tasks


Returns all tasks available to the user, according to the parameters provided.

If you ask for tasks without any parameter provided Sell API will return you bothfloatingandrelatedtasks. Although you can narrow the search set to either of them via query parameters.


Name Required Type In Description
page false number Query 页码从开始。页码starts at 1 and omitting thepageparameter will return the first page.
per_page false number Query Number of records to return per page. The default limit is25and the maximum number that can be returned is100.
sort_by false string Query A field to sort by. Thedefaultordering isascending. If you want to change the sort order to descending, append:descto the field e.g.sort_by=resource_type:desc. Possible values:resource_type,completed_at,due_date,created_at,updated_at
ids false string Query Comma-separated list of task IDs to be returned in a request.
creator_id false number Query Unique identifier of the user. Returns all tasks created by the user.
owner_id false number Query Unique identifier of the user. Returns all tasks owned by the user.
q false string Query A query string to search for. Performs a full text search on thecontentfield.
type false string Query Type of tasks to search for. Possible values:floating,related
resource_type false string Query Name of the resource type to search for. Possible values:lead,contact,deal
resource_id false number Query Unique identifier of the resource that you're searching for.
completed false boolean Query Indicates whether the query will return tasks that are completed or not.
overdue false boolean Query Indicates whether the query will return tasks where thedue_dateparameter has been passed or not.
remind false boolean Query Indicates whether the query will return tasks with reminders or without reminders.

Allowed for

  • Agents

Using cURL

旋度-v -X GET\-H"Accept: application/json"\-H"Authorization: Bearer$ACCESS_TOKEN"

Example response

HTTP/1.1200OKContent-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8Content-Language:en{"items":[{"data":{"id":1,"creator_id":1,"owner_id":1,"resource_type":"lead","resource_id":1,"completed":true,"completed_at":"2014-09-29T16:32:56Z","due_date":"2014-09-28T16:32:56Z","overdue":false,"remind_at":"2014-09-29T15:32:56Z","content":"Contact Tom","created_at":"2014-08-27T16:32:56Z","updated_at":"2014-08-27T17:32:56Z"},"meta":{"type":"task"}}],"meta":{"type":"collection","count":1,"links":{"self":""}}}

Create a task


Creates a new task. You can create either afloatingtask or create arelatedtask and associate it with one of the resource types below:


Name Required Type In Description
content true string Body e.g.Contact Tom
due_date false string Body e.g.2014-09-27T16:32:56Z
owner_id false number Body Defaults to the unique identifier of the user who created the task.
resource_type false string Body e.g.lead
resource_id false number Body e.g.1
completed false boolean Body e.g.true
remind_at false string Body e.g.2014-09-29T15:32:56Z

Allowed for

  • Agents

Using cURL

旋度-v -X POST\-H"Accept: application/json"\-H"Content-Type: application/json"\-H"Authorization: Bearer$ACCESS_TOKEN"\-d'{"data": {"resource_type": "lead","resource_id": 1,"due_date": "2014-09-28T16:32:56Z","remind_at": "2014-09-29T15:32:56Z","content": "Contact Tom"},"meta": {"type": "task"}}'

Example response

HTTP/1.1200OKContent-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8Content-Language:en{"data":{"id":1,"creator_id":1,"owner_id":1,"resource_type":"lead","resource_id":1,"completed":true,"completed_at":"2014-09-29T16:32:56Z","due_date":"2014-09-28T16:32:56Z","overdue":false,"remind_at":"2014-09-29T15:32:56Z","content":"Contact Tom","created_at":"2014-08-27T16:32:56Z","updated_at":"2014-08-27T17:32:56Z"},"meta":{"type":"task"}}

Retrieve a single task


Returns a single task available to the user according to the unique task ID provided. If the specified task does not exist, this query will return an error.


Name Required Type In Description
id true number Query Unique identifier of the task.

Allowed for

  • Agents

Using cURL

旋度-v -X GET\-H"Accept: application/json"\-H"Authorization: Bearer$ACCESS_TOKEN"

Example response

HTTP/1.1200OKContent-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8Content-Language:en{"data":{"id":1,"creator_id":1,"owner_id":1,"resource_type":"lead","resource_id":1,"completed":true,"completed_at":"2014-09-29T16:32:56Z","due_date":"2014-09-28T16:32:56Z","overdue":false,"remind_at":"2014-09-29T15:32:56Z","content":"Contact Tom","created_at":"2014-08-27T16:32:56Z","updated_at":"2014-08-27T17:32:56Z"},"meta":{"type":"task"}}

Update a task


Updates task information. If the specified task does not exist, this query will return an error.


Name Required Type In Description
id true number Query Unique identifier of the task.
content false string Body e.g.Contact Tom
due_date false string Body e.g.2014-09-27T16:32:56Z
owner_id false number Body e.g.1
resource_type false string Body e.g.lead
resource_id false number Body e.g.1
completed false boolean Body true
remind_at false string Body e.g.2014-09-29T15:32:56Z

Allowed for

  • Agents

Using cURL

旋度-v -X PUT\-H"Accept: application/json"\-H"Content-Type: application/json"\-H"Authorization: Bearer$ACCESS_TOKEN"\-d'{"data": {"completed": false,"content": "Contact Tom and Rachel"}}'

Example response

HTTP/1.1200OKContent-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8Content-Language:en{"data":{"id":1,"creator_id":1,"owner_id":1,"resource_type":"lead","resource_id":1,"completed":false,"completed_at":null,"due_date":"2014-09-28T16:32:56Z","overdue":false,"remind_at":"2014-09-29T15:32:56Z","content":"Contact Tom and Rachel","created_at":"2014-08-27T16:32:56Z","updated_at":"2014-08-27T17:32:56Z"},"meta":{"type":"task"}}

Delete a task


Delete an existing task. If the specified task does not exist, this query will return an error. This operation cannot be undone.


Name Required Type In Description
id true number Query Unique identifier of the task.

Allowed for

  • Agents

Using cURL

旋度-v -X DELETE\-H"Authorization: Bearer$ACCESS_TOKEN"

Example response
