Using the allowlist and blocklist to control access to Zendesk Support

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  • Mandy Maleta

    Just to confirm - I can list specific emails in my allow list and put an * in my blocklist? By doing so only those email within the allowlist can submit support request via web widget and submit request link in help center and all others will not be able to.....? I ask because I tried this specific setup with one of my other emails and my tickets are still getting through. They aren't even going to a "suspended" queue.

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Hey Mandy,

    That should be the case. If you add * to the blocklist then you would only be allowing ticket creating from users that are in the allowlist field. If this isn't happening on your end we may need to create a ticket on your behalf so we can look into some examples. Is this still the case for you?

  • Jozsef Hajdu

    hi, we would like to block entire domain, but allow one email from that domain and everybody else. For now I have set: in the approve field like, in the blocked field But it is not working, it is still blocking all mails from this domain. What should I do?

  • Sean Cusick
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi Jozsef, You should be able to remove the reject: portion from the blocklist. This will cause emails from that domain to be suspended, but it should allow the one address that you have in your allowlist to be processed as expected. Any time you use the reject: syntax it will reject all traffic from that domain.

  • Jozsef Hajdu

    I have removed the permalink, and it is not working the suspension. It allowed from my email address to create a ticket

  • Sean Cusick
    Zendesk Product Manager

    嗨Jozsef,因为帮助你进一步require us to inspect your account setup and to examine specific examples, could you open a ticket with us atsupport@zendesk.comso that we can investigate further? Thanks, Sean

  • Shelley Ryan

    我们得到了大量的垃圾邮件通过Zendesk门票,我亚博联合国derstand that using the "Mark as Spam" option not only deletes the ticket, it suspends the user to prevent further incoming messages from adding to the noise.

    My question is... when I need to add someone to the CC field on a ticket, all of those suspended people show up in the CC selection list (yes, flagged as suspended), which still makes it a pain in the butt to actually choose a "legit" customer or light agent. Is there ANY way to exclude the suspended offenders from appearing in the CC field?

  • Gab Guinto
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Shelley,

    I'm afraid this is the expected behavior, and that there's no workaround for this. The CC field will suggest users that are currently saved in your Zendesk, regardless if they're suspended or not. I agree that it might be convenient if suspended users will be excluded from the list; I encourage you to create a new post in theSupport Product Feedback topicin our community to engage with other users who have similar needs. Thanks Shelley!

  • CATALYST Support

    You cannot blacklist TLDs by themselves

    That's too bad, because we now get spam from @*.shop, with a constantly rotating number of domains under the .shop TLD. There is absolutely no reason why we would want to receive emails from anyone at .shop.

  • Pooja Palan
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi Everyone,

    Thank you for all of your questions on the blocklist / allowlist settings. We love your feedback. If you have more product feedback on this topic, we'd like to hear from you!

    Please find some time to talk to our product directly at


  • Ad Astra

    When a specific email address or domain is on the blocklist, will it prevent them from creating an account in Guide or will it just prevent them from creating tickets? We are trying to prevent certain users from commenting in our community and help articles.

    We currently have our help site open to all users and use the web widget. All users can submit tickets through the web widget. They do not submit tickets through email.

  • Dave Dyson

    Hi Melody,

    The blocklist only applies to the creation of tickets, but you can also suspend a user, which prevents them from logging in (and therefore posting or commenting in your help center and community):Suspending a user

  • First Assignee User


    Is there any way to update allowlist/blocklist via API?


  • Josh McCrowell

    If I've previously added a list of end users manually, and then later put a wildcard into the blocklist, will all end user tickets be automatically rejected?

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Josh, if there's a wildcard in your blocklist, then all end-user tickets will be rejected, except for end-users listed in the allowlist.
  • Josh McCrowell

    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for the answer!

    Is there an intelligent way to transition my help center from being completely closed down (only adding end users one at a time) to having users in allowlisted domains sign up -- without totally blocking the end users we've already added?

  • Plugabot

    First Assignee UserI can't find any reference in the API docs for the blocklist either.

    @...Do you have any knowledge of where one might view or modify the various blocklists via API?

  • Dave Dyson

    First Assignee User&Plugabot, the allowlists and blocklists are not accessible via our API. For visibility to our product team, it'd be great if one of you could post to ourFeedback - Platform: Apps & Integrationstopic, using theProduct Feedback Post Templateto format your post.

    Josh McCrowelllet me see what i can find out.

  • Ad Astra


    Just a follow-up to myearlier question. Is there a way to block a domain from creating accounts? We are trying to prevent users from an entire company from commenting in our community and help articles.

    I know we can suspend accounts after they are created, but am looking for a way to prevent them from being created.

  • Gaurav Sharma

    Hi All ,

    I am trying to block one particular email ID from creating tickets in Zendesk , but the other uses with the same domain should be able to create tickets , so will the below option work :

    allowlist: blocklist:
  • Shane Hughes

    We often have users forward "DELIVERY FAILED" messages asking the IT team to investigate them. Is there any way we can unblock these, instead of manually restoring them?

  • Pooja Palan
    Zendesk Product Manager

    With the recent update where in the wildcard (*) in the blocklist is now for all channels (not just email).

    For everyone who are using(*)in their blocklist setting and also have custom webforms / API integrations which were previously working regardless of the (*), will now need to be added to the allowlist.
    Suggestion is to leverageallowlistto allow anything that we do not want to block.

  • Micheál McArdle

    +1 to Gaurav's question. I'm trying to block one specific user email address from a domain but allow all other users from that same domain to create tickets. However, I get the following message:

    Warning: The following addresses or domains cannot be blacklisted; they are whitelisted due to association with one of your

    Please help!

  • Fabricio S.

    This warning would happen in this circumstances (blacklisting) if there is an existent Organization with that name "email" and probably the domain is on the allowing list. Ex: In Organizations > find the Organization in question > Remove the allowed domain.

    I hope this helps.

  • Micheál McArdle

    Thanks for the response Fabricio but it doesn't answer what I need.

    For my screenshot below, I want to ensure all users from Test Organisation with an email domain can create tickets in ZenDesk however, I want to block one specific user from this organisation,donotreply@email.comfrom creating tickets. Seems ZenDesk cannot do this or am I missing something?

  • Jed Hollander

    Want to confirm as it's not really clear. If I want to only accept issues from the folks with specific domains, I need to do the following:

    1. Turn off this option

    2. Add the allowed users domains to this list

    Thanks in advance

  • 名叫Beto
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hello Jed, thank you for your question!

    That is correct, you will need to disable the "anybody can submit tickets" option, enter the email domains you wish to be able to contact you, and also, enter a "*" symbol on the blocklist, so that all other email domains are blocked, like the example on this article:

    I hope that was helpful!

  • Ad Astra

    I am also interested inMicheál McArdlecomment/question, can someone at Zendesk, please respond?

  • Raphael Busshart


    Is it possible to send an automatic email response for suspended users? At the moment they can send us emails, but we will not receive them and the user is not aware, that we did not receive their email. It would be great if there would be an automatic email sent to the user, that he is not allowed to open tickets or to send emails to this email address.

    is this something we could solve with triggers?

    thanks for any suggestions.

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering

    HiAd Astra,

    Have you already followed the steps in "Approve a domain, but reject specific email addresses and domains within it"? If you did and the issue persisted, you candirectly contact supportand we'll help out to determine what could be causing it

    allowlist: blocklist: *

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