How do I take calls on a personal or desk phone?

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  • Alec Lively

    The requirement to be logged in on a browser is a major bummer. It basically kills our on call rotation.

  • Erin Sherman

    I have call forwarding set up to my cell phone - but the clients phone number doesn't appear, just the service number. Is there a way to get the client number to show on my cell so I can know who is calling?

  • Dekbi
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Erin,

    Apparently, there isn't a way to have the caller's phone number appear when you forward calls on your personal phone. It is mainly to know that the call is from your Zendesk Talk number.

    For your reference:Setting up your phone for call forwarding

    I hope this helps!
  • James Persson

    Is it possible to have two forwarding numbers and toggle between them? For example personal phone or when busy to 3rd party receptionist phone number.

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering

    HiJames Persson,

    As it turns out, agent forwarding is limited to one phone number.

    I'd recommend creating aCommunity postseparately for that with your use case to help get more visibility and votes on the idea. Then, others can share their use cases to further drive demand for that feature.

  • James Persson

    Done I'd encourage anyone interested in having more than one number for forwarding to go support my post below with a comment and bump.


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