Adding and configuring Instagram Direct

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  • Amie Brennan

    Hi Team,

    Will this new channel support multiple Instagram pages? i.e my clients currently has 5 different brands (with more coming in the future), each with their own Insta page which they would like to connect up to Zendesk to handle the DM's. Would this be possible with this new integration?



  • Stephanie Langlois

    Hi Aime,
    Yes, it's very simple to connect multiple brands. Your client will need to go through the flow 1 time per page that they wish to connect.

  • Kulin Joshi

    is there any plan to have Instagram integration available for post?

  • CJ Johnson

    What does this look like when the chats come in?
    Also, there's a small typo - "The Auto-repsonder tab" header I think was meant to say "The Auto-responder tab" ;)

  • Nathan

    Instagram has two sections for messaging Primary and General, which of these messaging channels does the Integration link to?

  • Why I only have three channels(IOS, Android, Web) in my drop-down menu? I don't have the Instagram option in "add channel".

  • Dave Dyson

    CJ, here's a screenshot from a demo:

    (and thanks for the tip on that typo, looks like we got that fixed) :)

  • Dave Dyson

    @...Do you have Agent Workspace enabled, and an Instagram follower count between 10,000 and 100,000?

  • Test Account

    是的,我能。但它仍然没有stagram option. Though My instagram follower is below 10,000 people, should I see this option too?

  • Hi There

    Looks promising. Couple of questions though:

    1. I don't have the pre-requisite amount of followers, but I can still enable the channel in Admin Centre - is that correct?
    2. When I go into my Instagram Business Account App - I navigate to: Settings > Privacy > Messages but I don't see any 'Connected Tools' option (see attached. Apologies for the size of the image)

    Thanks for any help.



  • Amie Brennan


    It looks like from your screenshot that you're not using an Instagram business account. When I navigate to the same pathway you mentioned in your post in my personal insta I don't see the "Allow messages" option, however when I look in my Instagram Business Page account it does show me the "Allow messages" option which you're looking for. Are you able to double-check your test account is an actual Insta business page account?

    Let us know how you go :)



  • Thanks Amie - still the best Zendesk Guru out there :D

    I did check and it's definitely a Business Account - albeit a test one. When I nav to the app and try to make it a Private Account (yes the same account) I get the below.

    Business Accounts Can't Be Private - If you want to make your account private, first switch back to a personal account.

    See gigantic image below.

    If there is anyone who can break Social Media + Zendesk Integration it'll be me :P. I must be doing something wrong and will try another account. Thanks again Amie...hope you are well :)

  • Eski Admin Hesabı

    We have a social media group dealing with social media messages.

    We want to route Instagram DM to these groups, but we couldnt find any documentation except then Chat Module Routing.

    We dont want this group to chat but we want them specificly answer Instagram DMs. So we dont want to use Chat Routing system, as we have other triggers are set for segmentation also.

    How can we route Direct Instragram Messages? We tried Support Triggers but not working as desired, the request is distributed randomly.

  • Laura Materi

    In our support model, we treat IG direct/social messages differently than live chat messages as consumers have different expectations per channel. We do not want social messages to count towards an agents chat limit. Can Zendesk work on splitting social messages out from chat messages so they do not count towards an agents chat limit? That should be a config setting each business can determine how they want to work depending upon their support model and how they handle social.

  • Pat S

    We were hoping that this would function exactly like a Facebook DM (since it's owned by the same company) and just generate a normal support ticket.

    Instead you made it so thatInstagram ONLY routes through Chat. Why is that? Please update to better mimic Facebook and Twitter DMs and allow for regular ("non-chat") ticket creation. Thank you!

  • Stephanie Langlois

    Thank you for your message, it seems that the Facebook integration you are using is the integration that you set up before moving over to Agent Workspace which is why you're experiencing 2 different behaviours. This integration uses a different back-end than Agent Workspace social channels. This applies to the Twitter DM channel as well.

    The Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct and Twitter DM integrations that get created when they are set up using Agent Workspace (through Admin Center > Channels) all function the same way, they are powered by Chat. So, the behaviour you are experiencing is expected, you can read more about this behaviourhere.

    If consistency across channels is the most important part of your request, you may wish tomigrate your existing Facebook and Twitter channelshowever, in that case, they will all behave as chats. That said, your feedback about you not wanting social channels to route through Chat is noted but we don't currently have plans to change this behaviour.

    I hope this clarifies things a bit for you.

  • Bryce Wilson

    Hi Zendesk,

    You mention restrictions based on followers

    This feature is rolling out in phases. As of July 7th, 2021, customers with a follower count between 1,000 and 100,000 will be able to activate the channel. Instagram handles with follower counts outside this limit will be eligible at a later date.

    Is the next phase focused on under 1,000 followers or over 100,000? We've currently got 238k followers on Instagram and really would love to set up this integration. Any indication on timing would be great.

    Thanks so much

  • Amie Brennan


    The Zendesk Instagram integration is reliant upon Facebook's rollout of their Messenger API. I just took a look at the latest update on this link here and it looks like FB hope to include the rest of the accounts in phase 3 of their rollout by the end of the year.

    我敢年代ay as soon as it's released by Facebook it won't be far behind it becoming available on Zendesk to connect your account with 100K+ followers.

    Hopefully this helps. :)



  • Bryce Wilson


  • jeff manio


    Can someone tell me why I don't haveChannelson Admin Center?

  • Houm Tech Mexico

    For all those who doesn't have Channels in the admin center you must turn on the agent work espace first :)

  • Ben Hall

    @jeff manio I have the same issue. Can someone explain why there isnt any channels section in the admin? We have enabled chat and we have enabled agent workspace.

  • Russell Chee
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hey Admin!
    I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to let you know that I've created a ticket on your behalf so we can discuss as to why you are not seeing Channels in your Admin Center. It's quite account specific so I'm creating a ticket to discuss it in there. Speak soon!

    Russell Chee | Senior Customer Advocacy Specialist | Melbourne, Australia

  • Pet Partner Mon

    Hi there! When I connected the IG Direct Message, new messages come in as chat. How do I make it so that it will just come in as a normal ticket?

    Thank you!

  • Rex Lai

    Hi there,

    When I tried to connect to Instagram, there is an error message: "Channel couldn't be added".

    Do you have any idea what could be the problem here?

  • Sonny
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Pet,

    Good day!

    There are actually many possible cause of the said error, it could be a plan type and some setting on your account. You may want to check this article link for enabling and configuration of your Instagram Direct:

    Hope this works for you.

    Yours truly,

    Sonny Rebenito | Tier 1 Associate Customer Advocate |

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  • Holger Herter

    Leider Unfall, er war toll

  • Sonny
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Holger,

    Thank you for your reply.

    If you are still experiencing the issue with your Instagram Direct, we recommend that you may send us an email atsupport@zendesk.comto further assist.

    Thank you!

    Yours truly,

    Sonny Rebenito | Tier 1 Associate Customer Advocate |

    Got a question? Comechatwith us!
    Ask ourZendesk Community

  • Alex


    Is it possible to manage this Chanel in the way, so we'll get direct messages on Instagram like usual tickets in Zendesk? Without any buttons and similar features.

  • 含有杏仁的

    Some questions…
    ——怎么可能显示Instagram用户name instead of the name? It makes it difficult to retrieve the actual user page on instagram.
    - Why mentions do not come up, as it appears on Instagram and Facebook Business chat windows?
    - Why don't we get posts reply, as we have with Facebook integrations?
    All these points make this integration so poor that we can't actually use it.
    I assume it's not a technical reason as LiveAgent does offer these features:


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