Analyzing help center search results with Explore

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  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiTrevor Piercey,

    The roll-out of the Search dashboard will finish on November 19, so it's possible that your account isn't updated yet.
    Since, we're also consolidating all the Guide dashboards, it can be that your Search dashboard is temporarily included in the Zendesk Guide: Knowledge Base and Search dashboard. This consolidation work will also be complete by November 19.

    By the end of this week, everything should work as described in the article.
    Thanks for the feedback. Cheers!

  • Oleksandra Marchenko

    Hey y'all!

    Does the "Total Searches" number include the auto-searches performed when a user is creating a ticket and they are being suggested KB articles automatically, based on their issue description?
    Thank you

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiOleksandra Marchenko,

    This dataset doesn't include the auto searches. Extending the dataset is certainly on our radar, however it's not our short term roadmap yet. I'll mark your comment for future planning.
    Thanks for your contribution.

  • Jodi Pulizzi

    Is there a way to view all searched terms with no results as opposed to just the top 5?

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiJodi Pulizzi,

    是的,你可以得到这个信息在搜索什么eries overview table by sorting the Average number of results column. Just click on the little arrow on the top of the column. Note that search data in this table is limited to the last 30 days on the default dashboard, due to data volume considerations. This means that you'll get the searches with no results in the last 30 days.

    In case you can create custom queries, you can build your own table to get all the searches with no results.


  • Kathryn Lacomba


    This is a great tool! However, how do I know if my click through rate and result rates are good. I have tried searching here and Googling CTR for documentation/help centers but no luck. You show 58% above, is that a good rate? How do I know if I have too many search results?

    Thank you!

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiKathryn Lacomba,

    The click-through rate describes search conversion to clicks, therefore you want to see it trending upwards. It's hard to set the general healthy threshold, I advise you to follow trends over time to define what's the best KPI for your help center.


  • Jodi Pulizzi


    Thanks for your answer above. I clicked the arrow with the average number of results to show fewest (0 results) first and only 1 term is coming up with zero results. But, there are 5 term listed in the top 5 in the chart above. Why aren't they showing up in the column below? I would like to see all the terms (or at least the top10) that came up with 0 results in the past month. But it is only showing 1 term that has zero results. Why is that?
  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiJodi Pulizzi,

    The table below is limited to show the last 30 days' data only. This was necessary to prevent performance issues of the query.
    If your global time filter is set longer than 30 days, that might give more results in your bar chart compared to the table.
    To see all the search terms with no results, you need to create a custom query, it's not available in the default dashboard.


  • Rachelle Smeets

    There is one thing that I don't understand in the search effectiveness dashboard. I see that the clickthrough ratio has an upward trend, despite the fact that there percentage wise more searches with no results. Is there no correlation between these two KPI's?

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiRachelle Smeets,

    Click-through is the number of clicks relative to the searches, it is not explicitly related to the searches with no results. If you are interested in the metrics and definitions, you can learn more inthis article.


  • Carrie Boogaart

    Question about the Tickets Created query. Is there any way to see a list of the places/sources that ZD is counting these tickets created from? Like, is it tickets created from the widget, submit a request button/link, and?? Is there any other place that this could be counting from?

  • Elaine
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Carrie,

    Yes! This information is available in Explore and it is referred to as Ticket channels. More information about this is in the articleUnderstanding ticket channels in Explore.

    Hope this helps!

  • Valgerður Kristinsdóttir

    Hi. Does this also track searches performed through thesearch API?

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Valgerður Kristinsdóttir,

    No, API searches are not included in this report. It is an addition we are planning to add to the roadmap soon.


  • Shannon Ropell

    Is there a way to correlate search queries with the user? We just launched our Help Center and I see some users are running searches incorrectly (our Help Center supports our digital asset management platform and the user is searching for actual files rather than articles on how to find those files in our digital asset mgmt platform). I'd like to reach out to the user and provide more support and help them understand the difference between the two platforms.

  • Beth

    Is there a way to view the actual tickets that were created when a user searched for a term and then created a ticket (as shown in the Explore "Search Queries Overview" for the columns "Search Query" and "Tickets Created")? It would be helpful for me to view those specific tickets to see why our Help Center article wasn't sufficient. Thank you in advance!

  • Judy Correia

    Hi - do the search counts include searches by agents via the Knowledge Capture App?


  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Shannon Ropell, user identifiers are not available in the search dataset. We will be looking into a potential addition soon, but not yet on the roadmap.

    Bethsimilar to the above, this data isn't yet available but we're looking into this addition as well.

    Judy CorreiaKC app searches aren't included in the dataset.


  • Bailey McWhorter

    Is the click through rate for articles suggested by thechat botis included in the help desk article search click through rate? Or is the search click through rate based only on the help center numbers and answer bot/chat bot does not influence or affect the data?

  • Judy Correia

    How are searches with no results defined? When I search terms noted in 'Searches with no results (top 5)' results actually appear. And I have found terms noted in 'Searches with no results (top 5)' are listed in 'Search queries and top clicked articles' and show an article has been clicked at least for the search time. How is it possible for a search term be noted as 'no result' and have a 'top clicked article' noted?

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Bailey McWhorterthe click-through rate only counts in the enabled channels; i.e. help center, agent workspace etc. Answer bot is not included.

    Judy CorreiaSearches with no results should indeed show search terms where search returned 0 results. Time filter can be important in this case, because there might be a search term which doesn't yield any results while a certain match is in draft (= not returned by search), or the matching brand (= search source) isn't available. Once the matching content is published and enabled in search, there will be results returned. There can be many reasons for such edge cases.


  • Ilya Pakhomov

    Is it possible to get the data used for this dashboard through the Zendesk API?

    I wasn't able to find the information about getting the end-user searches info in HelpCenter API documentation:

  • Romona
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Ilya,

    Unfortunately its is not currently accessible as is via the API. The rate source of the data may be but the calculations and metrics on the Help Center search results will not be accessible via the API.


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