Working with ticket tags

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  • Katherine Hunt


    I would like to be able to modify the location of the tags field, and limit its visibility to certain ticket types. Is that possible?

    Thank you!

  • Devan La Spisa
    Zendesk Community Manager


    What you've described wouldn't be possible on a ticket type basis. I will share this with our moderator team and see if anyone has a possible workaround to suggest. You can also share this feature request in ourfeedback forumsso our developers can consider it for future updates.

    Best regards.

  • Katherine Hunt

    Thanks Devan!

  • Jed Hollander

    Hello folks,

    with regards to triggers and tags, is it possible to add a tag of the name of the assignee each time that assignee changes?


  • Dave Dyson

    Hi Jed,

    The only way I think you could really do that would be to create a trigger for each agent, so when the Assignee is changed to that agent, you add a tag with that agent's name. I can't say I'd recommend that, as it doesn't scale well and could be a challenge to maintain.

    Can you talk about why you'd want to do that? It's possible this Explore recipe might give you the information you're looking for:Explore recipe: Total number of assignments

  • Jed Hollander

    Hi Dave thanks for responding. The use case is that I need to capture the name of every agent that the ticket is assigned to. If I can do that through an explore recipe that will help I think

  • Jed Hollander

    @...could you provide me the steps for that trigger so I can check it out?


  • Dave Dyson


    Such a trigger would look like this:

    • Under Conditions, you'd addAssignee Changed to [the name of a specific agent]
    • Under Actions, you'd addAdd tags [a tag for that agent]

    For example:

    You'd need to create one of these triggers for each of your agents.

    Hope that helps!

  • Elspeth Mogol


    Is there any way to keep existing tags (tied to the requester) when the requester is changed?

    We cater to our stores (light agents) and customers (end users) and when we receive a request from one of our stores, a tag is automatically added because the tag is associated with the light agent but we do use the same ticket to email our customers. As a result, the store tags are removed automatically. Is there any way to keep the store tags? Thank you.

  • Austin Killey
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Thanks so much for reaching out@..., and great question as well:

    Would these light agent/store user tags all happen to be pretty unique, or are there some fairly common ones being used across multiple users? If it's the latter, this might be a good setup for some triggers, where you could use conditions like "Requester Is Changed"and"Tags > contain at least one of the following > user tag here" to have those triggers look for these tickets where the requester is later swapped. For those trigger actions, that's where we could add actions of"Add tag > user tag here"to automatically add those tags back into the tickets.

    If these store user tags are pretty unique, how would you feel about keeping these light agents in place as the ticket requesters, and instead CCing your customers? You'd be able to retain all of a store's user tags on a ticket, and your customers could be involved in the tickets by modifying your trigger email notifications tonotify both the requester & CCs.

    Alternatively,side conversation child tickets可能是另一个选择!你可以保持the store light agent users as the ticket requester, but also be able to spin off side tickets to email your customers in a separate but connected ticket. This way, both of your communications to the stores and to your customers would effectively be"tied together."

    Thanks again for reaching out Elspeth, and let us know if there's anything else we can help out with!

  • Elspeth Mogol

    Hello Austin,

    Thanks for your reply. I was in contact with Zendesk Customer support regarding this and they were not able to provide a definite resolution.

    With regards to your question, the tags are unique for each store. We have over 100 stores and each of those stores has unique tags, so we have over 100 tags. Does this mean we have to create over 100 triggers?

    As for the side conversation child tickets, unfortunately, we cannot use this to email our customers as we cannot send satisfaction surveys from there unless we can?

    Appreciate your help. Thanks.

  • Yumin Tsai


    If I add tags to our tickets, is it possible to filter the tickets with tags and time configuration? For example, is it possible to check how many tickets have been tagged with tag A in the past 3 months? Thank you.

  • Joey

    Any idea what the character limit is of a single tag?

  • Sabra
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HeyJoey! There is no character limit for a single tag, but the Tags field does have a maximum of 5096 characters. After you reach this limit, you will no longer be able to add more tags.

  • Wismann, Leigha

    When I add a macro and/or ticket category to a ticket and the tag that is linked shows up under the tag field, but when I try to manually add another tag to the ticket, that new tag trumps the old tag and removes it instead of keeping both tags on the ticket. How do I fix that?

    It also happens with if I add a ticket category and the tag that is linked to it also is added to the ticket, but then I try to manually add another tag, that newest tag wipes out of the tag and updates the Ticket Category too. I want to keep all tags on the ticket. How do I fix that?

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Leigha,

    That's definitely a unique issue that you are currently experiencing as tags can be manually added anytime on a ticket. I would like to investigate on this one further. I'll proceed and create a ticket for you. Please wait for my update.

  • Menno Holtkamp

    Regarding the section "searching for tickets by tags": it might be good to add an example on how to filter for tickets that donotcontain a specific tag. It took me a while to find it here:

    It can be done with the logical search operator "-", so for example:


    Possible bug?
    Also note that in the "filter" dropdown, the "tags" field does not seem to allow tags that contain dashes, while this seems allowed according to the description: "You can use only alphanumeric, dash, underscore, and the forward slash / characters."

    I am pretty sure this tag "december-2021" does exist in our case. It would be nice if the "filter" dropdown would support it.

  • Riah Lao


    Is it still not possible to restrict agents from editing tags but allow the macro to add the tag if they apply it?

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Riah,

    Yes, you are correct. It's still not possible. The only workaround is by the use ofUpdate Ticket APIif you choose to disable it.
  • Robin Shelter

    Is it possible to automate tagging based on text from the incoming ticket?

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Robin, and welcome to the community!

    Zendesk does have a built-in automatic tagging capability, but it can produce some undesirable results, adding tags you don't really need, and because custom dropdown fields use tags, if your dropdown field values have common names, it's possible that an automatic tagger could add a tag based on a word used in the ticket that makes the ticket think that your dropdown field should be set to a certain value (seeUnderstanding tags and ticket fieldsfor a more in-depth discussion of how this works).

    Because of this, if you do decide to you any ticket tagging, I'd highly recommend you make sure any dropdown field tags are complex enough that they won't be confused for tags based on ticket text -- for example, prepending the field name or even the ticket field id number to each tag.

    That said, there are some third-party integrations such as MonkeyLearn and Pythia that are build to do more sophisticated automatic ticket tagging, and you can find those in ourApps Marketplace. Hope that helps!
  • Rita Stieģele


    Is it possible to force (can not save edits) agents to enter one of the defined tags for specific ticket statuss? or remind agents to enter necessary tag?

    We want to add a tag to pending tickets to indicate the reason of pending and create more automations based on this tag.


  • Gabriel Manlapig
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Rita,

    As of the moment, it is not possible to force agents to enter one of the defined tags for a specific ticket status. However, you canadd a custom drop-down fieldwith the associated tags. Each option is a combination of a title and a tag. The title is displayed to users and the tag is used as a ticket property that you can use in business rules.

    然后您可以创建一个触发器或自动化那t can check if the field is blank and send a reminder or notification to the assignee (Agent) requesting the field be completed.

    To create the trigger
    1. 创建一个trigger.
    2. UnderMeet ALL of the following conditionsadd the below conditions:
      • Custom_Drop-Down | is | -
      • Status | Changed to | (for example, pending, open, on-hold)
    3. UnderActionsinclude:
      • Email user | (assignee)
    I hope this helps! Thanks

  • Jean-Sébastien Catier

    Does anyone knows if there is a time limit to the tag autofill feature ?

    It looks like tags that have not been used for a while are not suggested anymore. Is that normal ?

  • Colleen Hall
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    HiJean-Sébastien Catier,

    Yes, tags that aren't used for 60 days are removed from your account's indexing.Gabrielhas shared some great informationherethat I'm working on adding into this article.

  • Nataliia Dovgal


    We have a few different Web forms connected to Zendesk.

    Is there a way to separate and tag Tickets coming via Help Center?

  • Gabriel Manlapig
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Nataliia,

    Yes, you can create a trigger that will look for specific web forms and tickets coming from Help Center.

    To add a custom tag to a ticket based on Help Center and Web forms:
    1. InAdmin Center, click theObjects and rulesicon in the sidebar, then selectBusiness rules > Triggers.
    2. On the Triggers page, clickAdd trigger.
    3. In the sectionMeet all of the following conditions:use the drop-down menus to select the following options:

      Ticket: Channel > Is > Web Form
      Current user > Is > end-user
      Ticket Form > Is > [Select specific ticket / web form]
    4. In the sectionPerform these actions:select the following options:
    • In the drop-down menu:Ticket: Add tags
    I hope this helps! Thanks
  • Nataliia Dovgal

    Hey Gabriel.

    Thank you for the suggestion!

    However, this isn't working, cause besides Help Center API tickets, we have 2 other different API tickets( This trigger will tag them all and we need Help Center tickets only

  • Gabriel Manlapig
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Nataliia,

    What kind of API tickets you have in mind when you say "2 other different API tickets". If you can give us some examples, that'll be super helpful.

    If the tickets are generated or updated from the Zendesk API, those tickets should be via the "Web service (API)" channel. TheWeb Formchannel focuses on tickets submitted via help center (and agent-created proactive tickets). That would be exactly what you're looking for if you want to find help center-submitted tickets. Thanks!

  • Nora

    Is it possible to use a trigger to add tags to exiting tickets? For example, if we have tickets with the word Sun in the comments, could the trigger add the tag 'Sun' to those tickets if they are not changing state?


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