Creating views to build customized lists of tickets

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  • Nicky Clark

    Andras GuseoI can assure you that view works perfectly for us. Why don't you give it a try?

    The一个yconditions are an "or" condition, meaning you will only see tickets for which the

    • Assignee is (current user)
    • Assignee is -
  • Andras Guseo

    HiNicky Clark

    Thank you again for getting back. You are totally right! That does work.

    In my hastiness I simplified the "query" and with that removed the issue. :)

    What I would like to achieve is, show me tickets that are:

    • not assigned to anyone AND are of a specific type
    • OR assigned to me regardless of the type

    "type" can be a custom field/value, tag, or whatever is allowed.

    Is this possible somehow?

    Thank you!

  • Nicky Clark

    Andras Guseofab, glad that was able to get you partially sorted.

    That second requirement is certainly trickier, and I can't think of any way to achieve that within a single view. Good luck!

  • Airavana Service

    Is it possible to move a ticket in any view and that ticket should not appear in any other view(pre-defined/manually created)?

  • Gabriel Manlapig
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Airavana,

    Views are a way to organize your tickets by grouping them into lists based on certain criteria. To make sure that the ticket will only display on a certain views, you will need to select collections of tickets usingconditions,operators, andvalues.

    For more information, please see this article:Building view conditions statements

    I hope that helps!

  • DL


    If i create a view with the following settings:

    "Tickets must meet all of these conditions to appear in the view"where the only condition is "Group Is Support", the results are 10,082 tickets in the "Preview" — however, when I use Zendesk search for simply "group:Support", there are 28,011 ticket results.

    How come there is such a large discrepancy between a view and a search that should result in the same amount of tickets?


  • Gabriel Manlapig
    Zendesk Customer Care


    We were able to confirm that this is expected. Zendesk automatically archives tickets 120 days after they are marked Closed. And archived ticket do not show in views, but can still be found with searching.

    For more information, please check out this guide aboutTicket Archiving.

    I hope that helps!

  • J. Greg Williams

    Why are SLA conditions not available in the ANY condition?

    Note:These conditions are not available when you use the optionTickets can meet any of these conditions to appear in the view.

    I want to create a view that shows tickets with both upcoming and current SLA breaches. i.e. tickets with any

    `Hours Until Next SLA Breach` < 72

    `Hours Since Last SLA Breach` > 0

  • Peter Le

    hi, anyone know how to create a View with key words in the email subject as the condition? I don't see that option.

    Thanks, Peter

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Peter,

    There's no condition within views that will allow you to filter by ticket subject, however, you could create a trigger that would automatically tag tickets that contain keywords in the subject. Then you would need to create a view that shows all tickets that contain that tag.

    When creating your trigger, you will just want to use theTicket: Subject Textcondition. More information in this article:How do I filter my views by ticket subject?

    I hope this helps!

  • Drew Davis

    Is there any plan to increase the number of created views that are displayed on the left? The current point it caps out and whatever else you create has to nudge another one out of view on this left side gets frustrating

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Drew,

    This is something our Product Managers are actively working on and they have a solution currently in closed beta that will bump up the number of views available on the left side. I don't have an ETA of when this will be available for everyone but you can follow our Announcements page for new releases as they come up:Zendesk Announcements

    You can follow the section so you receive email notifications when we post updates. I hope this helps!
  • Nina

    I'm trying to create a personal view of my agents' daily addressed tickets. I would simply like to know how many public replies they send during their shift, but can't set this up as there is no such condition as "Reply > Is > public"

  • Stacy Win

    Nina(I hope this is the right Nina) Public replies are not a condition for views. But this data can be found in the Explore Support Dashboard (Agent Updates tab).


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