Managing duplication settings

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  • Ivan

    Hello! I set duplicate strategy by email and phone (but phone can be empty). And it's working fine for contacts or for converting leads to contacts.

    但它不为领导工作。所以如果我有2领先s with the same email+phone it will be 2 separate leads. Even if I have 2 leads with the same email+phone+name it won't be merged.

    Why it's not working for leads? Or it's ok and should work only for converting leads and contacts?

  • Ivan

    And another question - why when I manually mergeleadsthen duplicate field ("reg_type" for example) will be created in format"Reg type #1". But when I manually mergecontactsthen same field will be created in format"reg_type#1"?

  • Kaja

    Hi, Ivan, I think it is best if we take these into a ticket because I would need to have more details on your imports and merges. For example for API imports the deduplication strategy does not apply. I am creating a ticket now so please check your email.

    Warm Regards

    Kaja Błachowicz | Zendesk Sell | Technical Support EngineerVisit our Support Center

  • Marco Lorenz

    How can i manage duplicate uploads for deals. we are importing deals from SAP but everytime i import a deal it creates a new one even the deal already exists

  • Robert W Buckles

    I have allready merged contacts but that was 5000 contacts ago now I show 8000 zen keeps creating contacts. I dont know why. and I cant delete them in a bulk order only one by one. Too many to work reasonably with.


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