Setting up triggers for side conversations

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  • Ferenc Bartha

    Is there a way to detect with which slack channel a side conversation has been initiated in triggers?

  • Joanna Woroniecka

    Hi Zendesk team,

    Any news on separating the type of side conversation between:

    • Email
    • Slack /other instant messaging apps?

    It was already reported some time ago byNemosome time ago in thispost.

  • Brenda Cardinez
    Hi Ferenc,

    I'm going to bring this into a ticket so we can look into this further with you. You'll receive an email shortly stating your ticket has been created.
  • Brenda Cardinez
    Hi Joanna,

    To know more about your use case, I'll take our discussion offline for now and convert this into a ticket. Thank you!
  • Eli Towle

    The third example sends a notification email to the ticket assignee when someone replies to a side conversation. In this situation, it would be useful to have a placeholder for the text of the side conversation reply. Then, the notification email could include the full side conversation reply so the assignee doesn't have to separately dig through Zendesk to view it.

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Eli,

    Would you mind adding details of your use case and upvoting this product feedback thread?Allow side conversation content to viewed via email notification
  • Eli Towle

    Thanks, Dave! I will add my use case to that product feedback thread.

  • royaleagle

    MattWe are trying to pursue a method like you suggested where we listen to the response on the side conversation for a specific response from our vendor. We plan on listening for when our vendor sends a customer satisfaction survey. When we receive this survey via the side conversation, it would apply a tag we can use to notify our agents on slack to come to review the ticket and solve it.
    We are using the following logic, but this trigger won't fire.

    Here is an example of the response email we receive from the side conversation we are trying to trigger on.

    你有什么建议我们可以让这个有趣吗ction correctly?

  • Maky

    Hi @.....

    there is a way to add in the side conversation by email what was written in the ticket once a public or private answer arrives?

    The problem is that if I add a side conversation, a new side conversation is created, I only need to update the one that I already have open.



  • Toby Sterrett
    Zendesk Product Manager

    MakyHi Maria, at this time it's only possible to initiate a new side conversation with a trigger action, not reply to an existing one. The primary reason is that trigger actions take place at theticketlevel, so there's no easy way to reference aspecificside conversation when setting up a trigger. Perhaps there could be some sort of way like "update most recently updated side conversation" or something along those lines, but that's not an entirely reliable method. We're definitely thinking about how it could be done, though.

    royaleaglethis isn't currently doable because the ticket events for side conversations don't have the entire side conversation text available to them. This is something we could look into for the future, though.

  • Maky

    ThanksToby Sterrett!

    That could be a method to update the communication to third parties involved in the ticket issues without doing it manually.

    Thanks again.


  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Maria,

    I have noticed that you have already submitted a request for this concern. Ticket#10651061. Please continue to work with our Advocate assigned to this ticket.
  • Jimmy Rufo

    Any plans to be able to trigger a side conversation comment being sent to an agent via email? I get notified via email that a ticket with a side convo has been commented on, but I have to pivot to the ticket, then side convo, to see that update. I'd rather just see what the update was in my inbox (similar to private note) in my inbox.

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Jimmy,

    I don't have any updates at this time, but can you go upvote and add your use case to this product feedback thread?Allow side conversation content to viewed via email notification
  • Hiroo Japan

    Hi ZD Team,

    Just wondering why is there no "Is Not" condition available for Side Conversation? Is there any plans to add this option?

  • Gabriel
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hello Mathew,

    I hope all is well! The condition "is not" for side conversations is not available in any plans, as this command is not applicable for side conversation conditions. We have taken your feedback into consideration!

    Thanks for your comprehension!
  • Hiroo Japan

    Hi ZD Team,

    Able to advised it there any option available so that when a Side Conversation is being Replied to it would also be able to Notify the Follower other than the Assignee?

    Currently, there is no option to notify the Assignee and Followers,

    Pls adv if there any other workaround or alternative to this, TQ

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Matthew,

    Natively, it's not possible. You will need a comment on the parent ticket for followers to be notified.

    What I can think of is you'll have to use the ticket update API in a webhook and use it on a trigger so that an update on the side conversation will also add a private comment on the parent ticket.

    第一步是创建一个webhookusing UpdateTicket API:


    Request metod:


    Request Format:


    Create a trigger that will notify the webhook. The trigger I designed on my end originally will open the parent ticket when a response is received from the side conversation. I'll just have to add the action "Notify Active Webhook" on that trigger.

    Here are the conditions on my trigger:

    And here's the old and newly added action.

    This is the JSON body that I have added on the trigger.

    "ticket": {
    "comment": {
    "body": "Side Conversation has been updated!",
    "public": false
  • Riah Lao

    How do you add the Side Conversation Ticket # into the Subject when applying a macro as placeholder is for the main ticket?

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Riah,

    As it turns out, there's noplaceholderfor the side conversation ticket ID.
  • Alex Hughes

    Is there any way from the Zendesk API to get the parent ticket information from the side conversation ticket view? We have been using a custom field on the requester to populate a custom app with data from one of our company APIs. From the side conversation, the requester becomes an agent so we can’t use the same approach there.

    I’ve noted that the external_id in a side conversation includes the parent ticketId at the end, so we could use that the fetch the parent ticket information that way. I’m curious if there isn’t a better approach to get the parent requester information from within the side conversation itself.

    We’re using the zafClient to make requests.

  • Greg Katechis
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy

    Hi Alexander! I can't think of a better way to approach that, so I'd run with that. Maybe someone else will chime in with a fun idea!

  • Alex Hughes

    I think what I've landed on is creating a Side Conversation is Created trigger that calls a webhook. And then we're going to take the ticket ID from that, use that ID to fetch all of the side conversations associated with that parent ticket ID, and then add the necessary data we need to the individual side conversation tickets.

    In the future it would be really cool if there were an easy way from zafClient to fetch parent ticket information when you are currently in the ticket sidebar of a side conversation. Right now the side conversation APIs seem focused on going from parent to child but not from child to parent.

  • Jason Wong

    In the trigger actions I do not see a Side Conversation with Slack, is that planned or will it be available anytime in the future. I only see Email and Ticket options which you can take action on. We are looking to create a slack convo based off of certain ticket criterias.

  • mfg

    目前,使用默认notify-assignee trigger, our agents receive a notification that a side conversation email was replied to, but they don't get a notification with the text of that reply - they need to follow a link to the parent ticket and open the side conversation to see the reply.

    我想包括帮助assig占位符nee know where comments on the side conversation when they get the default notify-assignee email. Currently the side conversation template includes information about the ticket itself, but I'm thinking of something like {{ticket.comments}} or {{ticket.latest_public_comment}} where the placeholders provide comments from the side conversation - not the ticket.

    做these placeholders work this way, or is there a way to accomplish this?

  • Max

    HelloToby Sterrett

    1. I am interested in using automations to send a reply to an individual side conversation.. I need to send an alert if the receiver of a side conversation doesnt reply in 24h. HYou said you've been trying things, how would you manage that ?

    2. As well, agents are opening loads of side conversation and they are complaining that the notification system is not efficient enough on Zendesk because notifications disappear after a while. Maybe it would be better to do this with a special view of "answered side conversations", what do you think ?

    Thank you

  • mfg

    Max- rather thanemail, you can execute standard automations if you create it as a side conversationticket.

  • Max

    mfgyou're right, but a side conversation ticket is only available to send requests to agents or groups. In my case I need to reach out to people outside our organization so my only solution is email

  • Geoffrey Wang

    I would like to have a trigger that notifies the assignee as well asall followerswhen a side conversation is updated but under the Email User option, all I see is the following (and the individual agents):

    How can I go about this to include the followers? Do I have to use Email group > assigned group?

    I could use Email user > all non-restricted agents but it seems that it would cause a lot of spam.

  • mfg

    Geoffrey Wang

    别人可以确认,但我认为这是一个example of nomenclature being inconsistent. IIRC, followers and CC's on this drop down are the same thing. Is the issue that you can't email just the followers/CCs?


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