This reference documentation provides a list of available events and example schemas which are streamed to Amazon EventBridge using the Zendesk Events Connector.

An event is a description of an activity that has occurred in a Zendesk account. Currently, events can only be streamed from the Zendesk ticketing system. Support for other types of events will be added in the future.

For more information about sending events to Amazon EventBridge:

Rate limit

Sending events to your AWS account using the Zendesk Events Connector does not impact your REST API rate limits. The Events Connector has a rate limit of 5000 events sent per minute. For availability, see theZendesk Suite plan limits.

Event schema structure

The schema for events contains information describing the type of event and the time it happened. Depending on the event type, there is additional information about the ticket affected by the event, and the ids of associated objects such as requesters and assignees.

The event schema is in JSON format as shown in the following example.


{"version":"0","id":"5cabfa42-9882-4f86-9a13-be7097e63171","detail-type":"Support Ticket: Description Changed","source":"aws.partner/",“账户”:"123456789012","time":"2019-05-25T01:23:48Z","region":"us-east-1","resources":["Support Ticket"],"detail":{"ticket_event":{"meta":{"version":"1.0","occurred_at":"2019-05-25T01:23:45.465719851Z",“ref”:"1-1234567890","sequence":{"id":"ED28AEC3317694CB34AF1A28CFA0D3A8","position":1,"total":1},"actor_id":20978392},"type":"Description Changed","previous":"first description","current":"second description","ticket":{"id":35436,"created_at":“2019 - 05 - 20 - t22:55:29.465719851z”,"updated_at":"2019-05-25T01:23:45.563482870Z","type":"question","priority":"low","status":"open","requester_id":20978392,"submitter_id":76872,"assignee_id":235323,"organization_id":10002,"group_id":98738,"brand_id":123,"form_id":6876543,"external_id":"TEST1234","tags":["enterprise"],"via":{"channel":"web"}}}}}

Top level properties

All events contain the following top level properties.

Property Data type Description
version string Event version (not currently used)
id integer Event id generated by Amazon EventBridge
detail-type string Describes the product type and event type
source string Partner event source in your Zendesk account
account integer AWS account id
time date Date and time when the event passed through Amazon EventBridge
region string Source AWS region
亚博电脑端 string Describes the Zendesk object
detail object Event-specific payload. SeeDetail object

Detail object

Thedetailobject is a wrapper for the event's payload. Thedetailobject contains an object property with a key ending in_event. This property's full key and content depends on the event's domain.

Zendesk event domain Property key Content
Chat chat_event Chat event properties
Ticket ticket_event Ticket event properties
Organization organization_event Organization event properties
User user_event User event properties

Theticket_event,organization_event, anduser_eventproperties also containcommon event properties.

Common event properties

In addition to domain-specific content, theticket_event,organization_event, anduser_eventproperties also contain the following properties.

Property Type Description
actor_id number id of the user that triggered the event. Actions by anautomationhave anactor_idof -1 (system user). Onlyticket_eventcontains this property
meta object Metadata for the event
meta.occurred_at string Date and time the event occurred in Zendesk
meta.ref string Zendesk identifier for the event
meta.sequence object Contains information about the event's sequence. A single action can trigger a sequence of events string id of the action that triggered the event. Events with the same sequence id were triggered by the same action
meta.sequence.position number Order of the event within the sequence. Zendesk doesn't guarantee this order number Number of events in the sequence
meta.version string Version for the event type
type string Event type