
The Real Time Chat API gives you access to the following chat and agent activity metrics in your Zendesk Chat account.

Chat Metrics

The following lists the metrics related to chat activity in your Zendesk Chat account.

Metric key Format Time window Description
incoming_chats Number of chats Chat requests that are not currently assigned to any agent
assigned_chats Number of chats 聊天请求被分配给一个代理,but not yet served by the agent
missed_chats Number of chats last 30 or 60 minutes Number of chat requests not served by any agent before the visitor leaves over the time window
active_chats Number of chats Number of chats that your agents are currently serving
waiting_time_avg Duration in seconds Average time that visitors have been waiting for their chat request to be served
waiting_time_max Duration in seconds Longest time that any visitor currently in queue has been waiting for their chat request to be served
chat_duration_avg Duration in seconds Average duration of all chats currently served
chat_duration_max Duration in seconds Longest duration for any chat currently served
response_time_avg Duration in seconds Average time that visitors have been waiting for an agent reply
response_time_max Duration in seconds Longest time that any visitor has been waiting for an agent reply
satisfaction_good Number of ratings last 30 or 60 minutes Number of chats ratedgoodover the time window
satisfaction_bad Number of ratings last 30 or 60 minutes Number of chats ratedbadover the time window

All metrics can be null if data has not yet been computed for your account or after a long period of inactivity.

Duration metrics will be null if not applicable to any chat. For instance, if no chat is waiting in the queue,waiting_time_avgandwaiting_time_maxwill be null.

Agent Metrics

The following lists the metrics related to agents activity in your Zendesk Chat account.

Metric key Format Description
agents_online Number of agents Number of agents currently logged in with Online status
agents_away Number of agents Number of agents currently logged in with Away status
agents_invisible Number of agents Number of agents currently logged in with Invisible status

All metrics can be null if data has not yet been computed for your account or after a long period of inactivity.