The Sales CRM (Sell) APIlets you tap into Sell and build your own Sell-powered applications for the web, mobile and desktop. Sell offers three types of Web API to suit various integration needs:

API Purpose
Core API Create, Read, Updateand删除Sell data throughRESTfulAPI.Searchandfilterthrough Sell data.
Sync API Keep your local data up to date via Sellsynchronizationlayer.
Firehose API Receive a near real-timestream of changesin Sell data, including resourcedeltas, currentsnapshotsanduserinformation.
Search API 查询your data entities (leads, contacts, deals) in Sell, apply custom complexfilterandsortcriteria, performaggregations.

Get up to speed with the Sell API


Your feedback does matter.Let us knowwhat you want to see from the Sell API.


Use the following endpoint to communicate with the api:


API Compatibility Notice

If you use or plan to use Deal decimal values in Sell and your integrations use deals, your integrations may break after introducing new API. This is because the type of Deal value will change - decimal values will be sent as strings in JSON format, which will cause type incompatibility with current format. If decimal values are not used, they will be sent as integers as before.

To prevent potential issues you will need to switch to new API clients:

If you are not using clients you will need to handle decimal values correctly in your code - seeDeal resourcedocumentation for details.


If you currently use decimal values in Sell and your integrations use deals, they may cause decimal part of values to be lost when updating a deal through API. When new API is introduced this problem will be solved.